Friday, February 18, 2005

Hot Date!

HOT DATE!!!! You may be asking your self in excited anticipation, "Katyo has a date?!!!!" Oh, I so wish I could be saying those words. No it's not's my 14 year old brother! That's right, Drew has a date. Well it's more of a movie date with a group, but his "main squeeze" will be there. When my sister IM'd me that Andrew had a girlfriend I almost went bolistic. I mean, this is his first girlfriend. Of course I called him immediately after work to get the scoop. He was a little distracted because he was IM'ing people so I scolded him. I said, "I am your favorite sister who never sees you and you can't take 5 seconds to tell me about this huge development in your life!?" Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating a bit but I said something similar. I asked what she looked like and if I knew her (since I worked with his class when I did K-Life). He responded saying, "She's the cutest girl I have ever seen." Uh, my heart just broke because he was my little brother, my 14 year old brother, crushing hard on a girl. I have to say that it's just so sweet and I couldn't help but be giddy. He said he "dropped hints" to let her know that he liked her. So cute! He also said that she was a really great Christian girl. Music to my ears. Erin, my sister, read some of the letters they exchanged (he let her). She said it's the cutest thing ever.
So I have to admit that I had an angry fit/pity party on tuesday night. I don't know what came over me because I had an incredibly fun girls night (aka. Ro-Tic party "romantic party with out the MAN") at my apartment on Valentines. It was mostly me, God and my journal. I had some words with Him. Mostly saying things like, "I mean, my 14!!! freakin' year old brother has a girlfriend!" This is completely immature and most unlike me. I mean hadn't my roommate, Janell, just mentioned to me earlier that weekend that I'm an inspiration to her because I rejoice in my singleness? I must have had a weak moment...or week.
You may be wanting an update about my adventures. Well, I've become the entertainment for all married or currently attached women in my life; especially my office. I must give updates about findings almost hourly. I do have to say that Jim from Wheaton and I have really progressed far in our relationship. We're in stage 4. I've gone the farthest with him. That's a joke. Yes, if you did online dating, you would understand that joke. But you don't, so you don't get it. Ha! I have an inside joke...with myself.
I really hate the whole idea of online dating. I prefer there being some sort of connection. I am pretty much forcing myself to do this so I will "take a risk" and have some adventure in my life. But it also provides for some great writing material. Research, yes research! That's why I'm doing this. It sounds so much less pathetic! But it is kind of fun. Can I just make a suggestion to all guys out there? NEVER and I repeat, NEVER take a picture of yourself without your shirt on and post it online in expectation of making girls swoon over you. That immediately sends me to the "close" button and "click" you're gone forever. Have some tact peeps!
I'm off to do something fun this weekend! Who knows what it holds. I hope it's filled with laughter, fun stories and adventure. I wish you all many blessings!

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