Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Home Sweet Home

I will be walking through my parents home door in almost 31 hours!!!!! I have kept a countdown each hour for that moment for about 3 days now. Can you tell how excited I am to go home? It's been 5.5 months since I've seen the Texas terrain. Sadly my accent is gone and no one notices anything different about me except my over-usage of the word, "y'all." Notice I put in that .5 because I am somehow amazed by the fact that I've been away from home that long and yes, those two weeks do make a difference. Would I dare leave out the fact that I ran 5.5 miles instead of just 5? Heck no! I like to show my accomplishments or brag about my woes.
Things I want to do while I'm home:
1) Hug my family.
2) Throw the ball for the dogs.
3) Get a sunburn.
4) Lay by the pool and read a book while my sweat drops onto the pages and stains them.
5) Have a cookout (which is happening).
6) Shop in a mall.
7) Finish reading "Wicked"
8) See my sister's pregnant belly and new house.
9) See my future sister-in-law's bling bling on her left ring finger.
10) Laugh myself to tears with my best friend.
11) Get a pedicure/manicure.
12) See a movie in a cold theater after sweating from the car to the theater's door.
13) Run into a friend I haven't seen in FOREVER!
14) Learn to play the piano.
15) Go Skydiving.
16) Cure Cancer.
17) Meet Bono.
18) Get my haircut.
19) Take a nap while it's raining outside.
20) Be satisfied with my trip!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Chris & Eugene

I'm such a giddy girl at the moment. Christopher Guest and Eugene Levy are teaming up once again to create pure brilliance! "For Your Consideration" is bound to be the next cult classic. My friend just sent me this article about the movie and I am wishing that I could be in this movie! Does anyone out there know how to get to Christopher Guest or Eugene Levy or any of their peeps? Huh? Help me please! This is a major dream of mine! A movie that is slightly scripted but allows room for improv and character development = bliss! I'm a slightly talented actress who makes up for any lack of acting skill with good people skills. You know how there are only six degrees of separation? This blog could be only six degrees away from the eyes of Eugene Levy or Christopher Guest. Now I'm sounding stalkerish. Perhaps you could edit this article before it's placed before their eyes. Perhaps I should attach my long resume also known as "my body of work." They may be tempted to hire me merely because of things like "Dixie Hicks," "Mockupations," "Sable." or not hire me because of things like "Dixie Hicks," "Mockupations," "Sable." Whatever, I just would LOVE this opportuntiy. I'd quit my job and move in a heartbeat.
I'm thinking this could happen. If I prayed and God saw fit to make it happen, it could and would.
So join with me in prayer.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Stale Bagel

Today at work we cleaned out a storage unit to take inventory of supplies. Someone found a bagel with cream cheese that was left in a box FROM A YEAR AGO!!! That's nasty. She was inquisitive enough and brave enough to actually look at it. I was fighting gag reflexes.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Vegas Baby!

I must be the only person who has ever been to Vegas, not gambled and went to bed two nights in a row at 10:30 pm.
VEGAS BABY!!!! I'm probably also the only person who has ever been to Vegas with her dad.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Mayor Daley

Today on the way to a work event, we passed Mayor Daley on 290 driving to see the President sign the transportation bill. I must say that I was pretty excited. I knew something was up when we passed a navy blue Ford car and the driver had one of those clear spiral earpieces in his ear. The next car up we see Mayor Daley slouched in the back seat having a deep conversation with one of his advisors (or who I assume to be an advisor).
So you know what I did? I totally pulled a Footloose. I rolled down the window (I was in the front passenger seat) and began waving my arms at Mayor Daley. Then he rolled down his window. The next thing I knew I had my right leg out the window and aimed it towards his car window. Traffic was moving at a slow but steady pace. At one point I had a leg in each window and was doing the splits while in my Britney Spears (baby baby) school girl outfit. My friend yelled out, "Ariel, don't!" and pulled me into the car just before a semi-truck hit me. Mayor Daley waved goodbye with a disappointed look on his face. You could tell he wanted me to jump into his car to talk about politics. I'm sure he couldn't wait to hear my opinions and advice about recycling, street cleaning and those damn parking tickets that haunt me.

Friday, August 05, 2005


What makes a cuss word? And who the heck decided that these words would be words that had conotations less than desirable? So now I'm restricted from using these words freely. Okay, so many people could care less that these words are "restricted." But lets face it, it's me, Katy, I care.
I've also had issues with the whole middle finger thing. One person decided that sticking up your middle finger was something bad so now I'm not allowed to use my middle finger as I please. Personally I'm happy to use it as a pointer. It makes sense. It's the longest of the digits on my hands (which happen to be very small....yes I have small hands). I think the middle finger should be liberated.
Laura and I were discussing the whole cuss word thing as we walked around the block trying to quiet a friends baby. What if the word kitchen were a cuss word? I hear by declare the word Kitchen a cuss word! I'm not that keen on cooking, so it doesn't bother me. What if I decided that the name, Michael, was a bad word? See, it's all really subjective. Perhaps I didn't like a girl named Shania in high school, so I declared her name a bad word.
Now I do know the origins of some of these so called "bad words." It's just all really weird if you think about it for too long. I guess it's been one of those days.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Hot Box

The CTA is not on my good side this very day. The el was like one big Hot Box this morning. Why on earth was the air conditioning not working? It was nothing but stillness and hotness overwhelming us poor passengers. I could almost feel the germ filled air entering my lungs. A little circulation would have been nice.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Middle Child

Great news has descended upon my family this past week. My little sister is having a baby! Such incredible news. She was shocked, as was her husband, that she could get pregnant after being off birth control for only two weeks. Note to self....
The fun news is that the baby is due 3 days after my birthday. My niece/nephew and I could actually share the same birthday. Lucky kid. I mean to be able to share a birthday with someone as great as me! And Liza Minelli.....oh dear.
But my best friend, Becky, just informed me that my 30th birthday could be overshadowed by this blessed event. If you know me, you know that I don't like having my birthday overshadowed! Picture this, just as my cake is being brought to me with 30 flaming candles, Erin's water breaks. Now, there is a very very sad pattern in my life of momentous occasions or moments of vulnerability that are disrupted by outside forces. Knowing me, this would totally happen. But I'm not going to let this happen! If Erin's water breaks, I'll not let anyone notice it. I will hold the court! "Katy, the baby is crowning!" "I don't care! As I was saying, I am blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful friends and fam..." (noise of baby crying). "What's that?" "Oh, it's nothing...yes, 30 wonderful years I've been on this earth..." It would be totally classic if the baby was born before or during my 30th birthday celebration. So I'm in a quandry of what to do. I LOVE big birthday bashes and I will have one by golly...even if I have to throw it myself. You think my future niece/nephew could have the courtesy to be born at a convenient time. It could be it's first present to me.
Yes, big news has surrounded my family this year. Older brother getting married, little sister having her first child...the first grandchild in the family, little brother switching highschools (big deal b/c we all graduated from the same school). So what is the middle child to do? I need to have a little action is this game. What can I possibly do to get some attention? Becky recommended posing for "Playboy." That would surely get me some attention in my family.
I am such the typical middle child. When did this happen?