Thursday, September 08, 2005


I, Katy, have done what I thought would be impossible. I have brought together a Democrat and Republican in sweet harmony. Pat. On. The. Back. I always knew I was a peacemaker. Ever since I was little I've been unable to withstand conflict and tension. It eats at me and causes me to crawl into the deep recesses of my soul. Perhaps that's why I could never be a politician...nor would I want to be a politician. Just watch me marry a man who will enter into politics and be a great leader. The next thing you know his presidential hopes are shot because someone read this blog and saw that I didn't want to be a part of politics. Do I give myself too much credit? Perhaps so.
So maybe I was more of an instigator in this dramatic saga instead of a peacemaker. I faithfully read my friend, John's blog. He's one of the bestest (love that word) people out there. Here is the web address. Someday I'll figure out how to make a link...but I'm not so hot with technology...though I do know how to work an ipod (though not to its fullest potential). I digress. Save it on your favorites. I do. John gave a heartfelt, passionate and somewhat (to say the least) emotional opinion of the Gulf Coast tragedy. Of course being the conservative that I am and knowing how my best friend would feel about this blog emailed Becky and said, "Do you want to read something that will make you mad?" and attached the link. Little did I know that Beckles would make a comment....a very very long and passionate response. Please go read it so you can enjoy the tension.
I must say that John's public response to Becky's comment impressed me greatly. Kudos to you John! The next thing you know, Becky emails John to apologize and then John emails Becky. There were lots of "you made a good point" and "you're probably right about that" and it was just a huge love fest. A freakin' love fest between Democrats and Republicans. Y'all! There is hope for the world! It truly can happen! Let's drop the extreme's of everything and begin to look at people as individuals. Fear drives people to say and do crazy things (aka. politicians). Fear can bring out the best and the ugliest in everyone. Too often we see the ugly and the media is only too quick and happy to share those stories. What the heck did Barbara Bush say? Mercy! Blah, whatever.
So let's lift up our glasses and give three cheers for hope and peace!

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