Friday, September 23, 2005


OH MY GOSH!!!! Miracle of miracles and God has blessed me greatly...yet again. I WENT TO A U2 CONCERT WEDNESDAY!!!!! My favorite band of all time...that's no secret if you've read my profile. As of Wednesday morning I was a lost little girl who had no idea what events would be unfolding before her in the following hours. A friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend sent out an email that she had 4 tickets to U2 but last minute couldn't go. So you know what? I crossed my fingers and sent out an email saying I would buy two of the tickets. I knew I could talk someone into going with me. I mean, it's U2!
You know what? It was worth every penny I spent. I would be happy to spend an arm and a leg on a U2 concert. How often does one get to go? Well twice. I attended the POP tour in 1998 just after college. This one was much better and much more intimate of a setting. Do I feel guilty that people are suffering and are homeless due to Hurricane Katrina and I spent $$ on a U2 concert? Yes! But I'm planning on giving more now. So everyone wins!
Picture this: you're sitting in the lower part of the second level directly behind the stage. Bono is only a stones throw away. The stage is circular so you get to see the entire concert from the view point of the band. Occasionally Bono will turn around and star directly up at you and sing "All I Want is You." Damn straight! A-MAZING! Let's just say that I had chills from the moment the concert began to the very end. I did not want it to end. I mean THREE ENCORES!!! THREE!!!! It couldn't get any better.
Well, maybe it could have been better. One lucky lady in the front row of the pit (so need to get those tickets next time) was pointed at by Bono and then was asked by him to join her on stage. She got to dance with Bono!!! (I love Bono but let's face it, the Edge is my favorite). I was filled with mixed emotions. One: Lucky girl that she gets to dirty dance with Bono and run her fingers through her hair in front of thousands of people. Two: What the heck would I have done if it was me? I had visions of myself doing something more like the white man's overbite and giggling nervously.
I've noticed something about Bono....if he wasn't a musician he would definitely be an interpretive dancer or into modern dance or poetry readings. It reminds me of an improv group I was in for a short time...couldn't handle the resemblance it had to interpretive/tribal dancing.
Are you jealous? Really?, please don't be jealo...okay, you can be slightly jealous.

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