Thursday, October 06, 2005

Sing Some on the Side

This weekend was completely exhausting. It was exhausting, exhiliarating and exhausting once again. I felt great accomplishment after pulling off an event with the help of wonderful volunteers that hosted almost 10,000 people (according to the news). I love the feeling of sweet success and the peace that comes after it. Now I need a massage.
My exhaustion clearly played a role in a recent audition I had Monday night. It wasn't for anything super special but it was an audition and I always like to succeed. I should have known that things wouldn't go as smoothly as one would hop when I couldn't finish my own sentences. Words escaped my brain and I obviously wasn't thinking clearly. But hey, I went for it. Right?
Twelve of us were funneled into a tiny room and stood before 10 writers and directors. One by one we had to go before them, introduce ourselves and perform a given task while speaking about our careers. Okay, not too tough. Nothing I haven't done before in an improv class. But you must know one thing about me, sometimes I have a difficult time talking and performing an action. So you can see where I'm going with this. I was the last one to perform. I was given the frantic event of having just burned a lasagna in the oven (how they know me so would think it should be second nature). Well, I was so frazzled that I wasn't thinking and just started speaking. I don't even know what I said! But I do remember the last thing that came out of my mouth. I had begun a sentence and didn't know how to finish it. It went something like this (picture me waving an improv towel in the air to break up the improv smoke...yes it looked as ridiculous as it sounds), "And then I also......ummm....ummm...(brain fart)...sing some on the side." WHAT!????? ME? SING ON THE SIDE???? Blatant lie! Bad girl, bad girl! Well, maybe if you count singing happy birthday to a friend an hour before hand. Not only did I lie but I got caught. Not 30 seconds later did they ask us to sing two songs....TWO!!!!
So now the running joke is that I also "sing some on the side." Sing in my shower and car maybe. Or when my roommates and I bust out with an 80's love ballad.
I am so shocked that I didn't receive a call asking me to be part of the show. SHOCKED!!!! Well, you can't have everything can you?

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