Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Andrew's Graduating

I've been so emotional lately about one thing: Andrew is graduating High School. It's mostly a mixture of pride, joy, nostalgia and an overall unbelief that the past 18 years have gone by so quickly.

Andrew has gone from a hilarious, smiley, adorable, cautious, and loving little boy to a hilarious, handsome, courageous, leader, God-loving, family-loving man. But one thing remains the same, he's my buddy. I've always felt a strong bond with Andrew. He is absolutely the biggest blessing to ever happen to our family. Who can imagine life without Andrew? He was a surprise that no one expected but one that God knew we couldn't live without.

I'm so proud of him and all that he's accomplished in the past 18 years. It's fun to look back and see how much he's grown in his stature, his love and knowledge of God, and the wisdom and joy he has with his friends and the people in his life. My prayer for him from day one has been that God would bless him greatly and that he would be a leader for the Lord, have a heart for God and compassion for His people. God is good!

Please feel free to leave little love-notes and words of congratulations for Andrew in the comments section.

Look at our picture from my graduation on May 20, 1994: (yes I realize I need my eyebrows waxed)

Take a look at him now:

I remember taking this picture and thinking, "I should save this picture for when he graduates."15 years later... it's a miracle I still remembered!


Beck said...

Aw, see? I was thinking about you two this morning and how sweet your brother/sister bond has grown...and speaking of growing...

Drewdle, you're one hot guy. Long gone are the days of you crying because all the big kids were gonna get to stay up late at the Grand Wailea. Gone are the nights of attempting to babysit you after you'd gluttonously drunk scores of Mountain Dews. But HELLO to the days of so many fun memories ahead of you! I'm so excited for you to experience college & all it entails!

Kates, I'm so hormonal I could cry thinking about him graduating - so I can't imagine how you feel! Or your parents!

Erin said...

When you were born, I instantly fell in love. You are the most amazing blessing in my life, and our family's. I am so proud of you and thankful for the friendship that we have. I love you!

Katy, Thanks so much for doing this. It is amazing.