Monday, October 12, 2009

The Annual Visit

Sound the horn! Clash the cymbals! Fly the flags! It's time for my annual gynecological appointment! Hooray! Let's make sure that pap gets the clean bill of health.

Unless your pregnant, most women need to plan for this appointment. There's some preparation that must take place before you'll freely spread'em for the gynecologist. (Oh Mom, please make sure Dad isn't reading this...or at least reading it alone. You may have to hold his hand. I can almost hear him saying, "GEEEEEEEZ Kathryn!" But these are the facts of life. If I don't write about it, who will? Becky, that's who.)

My checklist:
1. Make appointment for first thing in the morning. This ensures ultimate freshness.
2. Shower...obviously.
3. Wardrobe choice - Wear something that's the clothing-equivalent to a cup of chicken noodle soup when you have a cold. Comfort food and comfort clothes can go a long way.
4. Are you lasered, waxed, etc.? You want to make their job easy.
5. Emotional strength - go ahead and acknowledge that immediately after the appointment you'll think, "that wasn't that bad!" But later you'll have a creeping feeling of being slightly violated. That's normal and it will eventually go away.

I think I'm ready. I've decided on leggings, a dress that's more comfortable than sweatpants, and a scarf. I'll call my girls for support. But the main relief is knowing that I'm healthy and don't have to do this for another 12 months.

Get those pap smears girls! Everybody's doing it.


Mom said...

Atta girl, Katy! So glad you take care of yourself. But find it interesting you plan your wardrobe so carefully. DO understand wanting to feel hugged and comfortable following the exam! If the clothes do it for you, great.
Love you SO MUCH,

William A. Orender said...

You say much too much Katy but it's hilarious and the world loves you for it! So do I!

Beck said...

"Why do I feel so sad & sullen this afternoon? ....Oh yea! Because I experienced some trauma this morning! Weee!"

My first thought was, "is she really writing about this?" And then I thought about the things you've heard me say.

Katy said...

Yes, I just read the post about projectile vomiting. And we can't forget the three hour conversation one hilarious New Year's Eve five years ago. You lead the pack, Beckles!

I think I made my sister blush and my little brother want to crawl into a cave.


Anonymous said...

I always wondered if there were women who shave or wax or whatever specifically for the gynecologist. It almost seems too eager, lol. And where they're looking are primarily places that can't be shaved/waxed anyway (or that don't grow much hair to begin with). So I'm a little more relaxed about that part.
