Thursday, March 17, 2005

Lookin' Good for Your Age

So it actually happened yesterday. I don't think that my new age of 29 deserved such a comment. I know the guy meant to be nice and everything but...puleeeeeeeeeeez!
Last night in class I was just chatting with a friend of mine. He caught in our conversation the phrase "it was my birthday this weekend." He promptly said a cheerful "happy birthday!" I, embarrassed, said "thanks." He asked which birthday I just celebrated. When I said 29 he paused for a moment. As soon as it sank in he just whispered a "wow" and then looked at me again, an almost up and down glance. He just stopped and thought for a second. He then said the words...the words that I never expected to hear. "You look good for your age." IS THAT A COMPLIMENT? How does one take that? It's not like I'm 75 years old and look like I'm 30. I'm a 29 year old who happens to look I've been told, ahem. At least now I'm old enough to where I won't get asked where my hall pass is if I go to visit my little brother in middle school. It seems like yesterday that I was carded for a Rated R movie. Oh wait, it was only 2 years ago.
This just gives me a mindset of how young these actors really are in my class. I mean, they think 29 is OLD???? Seriously peeps, let's get a grip on reality. Perhaps in the acting world, 29 is a bit late to get started, but come on! I'm not quite old enough to be on the show, "Thirty Something." I don't say things to them like, "hey, do you need to change your diaper?" or "call your mom to see if you can go out with us."
Whatever! I'm young, vibrant and love life. I'm not going to let this one get me down; especially since I know he didn't mean it in that way. He's just probably disappointed that I'm too old to date him. Yeah, that's it. I knew it. Poor thing, his dreams are crushed. That's a positive way to look at it. And I'm a positive person!

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