Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Sugar Withdrawl

I'm struggling through a serious sugar withdrawl. I have never eaten so much sugar in my life as I did this past weekend. I have the excuse that it was my birthday. Would somebody please tell my body? Here's a sampling of all the sugar/fat infested foods I had this past weekend:

1. Pint of Ben & Jerry's Half Baked (half Thursday night and the other half on Sunday night).

2. Chocolate Chip Cookie

3. Split a Chocolate Souffle and Creme Broulee.

4. Pancakes! And Mimosas!

5. More Chocolate Souffle and banana cream pie thingy.

6. Two and I repeat TWO cinammon rolls from Ann Sathers. And that was before the real meal. Call it an appetizer if you will.

I'm disgusting. I don't know how I could do this to myself. Monday and Tuesday were definitely days of complete narcoleptic exhaustion. Sitting at a computer could not have been harder (exaggerated by the fact that I was up at 4:50 am making airport runs for my sweet friends who came to celebrate with me). Weaning myself off of sugar was hard. Remind me never to do drugs. Especially drugs like meth or heroine....even cigarettes. Heck, caffeine is bad for you (haven't had it in 3.5 years...pat myself on the back).

All of this sugar prompted Becky, Wendy and I to set goals for ourselves this next year over a bowl of Chocolate Souffle with Peanut Butter Ice Cream. These are my goals:

1) Lose 30 lbs. by 30th birthday. A kind friend said I would be dead if I lost that much weight. Sadly, I'd still be alive and there would still be enough meat to feed a few stranded people on top of a mountain.

2) Go on four dates. I'm starting this one off this weekend. It's not really a date but more of an "introduction." No this has nothing to do with Thank you very much.

3) Get an agent. This would mean I need to do something with my sad headshots.

4) Actually get paid for an acting gig. It still counts if it's $20 right?

5) Do some acting work outside of the Second City world.

I'm sure there are more that I will come up with but these are it for now. I think I have my work cut out for me. But at least I'm setting goals. Right dad? You taught me well! I want to end my 20's with a bang!!
I laughed so hard this weekend. It's so great to be around friends that know you so well. You don't have to say anything because you know what eachother are thinking about certain situations and the next thing you know, you're doubled over with laughter. We also had a great time sharing about our struggles this past year. Honesty and authenticity are refreshing!
I'm homesick for Texas this week. Maybe it's the fact that it's actually spring in Texas. I'm somehow able to smell the Texas spring. I can even smell my parents house. I just want to hug my mom and dad, pet the dogs and force my little brother to snuggle with me on the couch. My sister and I will laugh at ourselves while my older brother and I develop some new comedic character. I love the uniquenss of my family. My dad said our family motto is "love 'em anyways." My mom quickly said that she would never allow that to be our family motto. Secretly, I think we all know that fits us just perfectly.

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