Friday, April 29, 2005

Green Monster

Is it sad when you rejoice that you've lost 7 pounds in a matter of a few days because you've been experiencing a touch of the stomach flu....or what I affectionately call it, "the Green Monster"? I believe I lost 5 of those pounds on Sunday alone. I guess I just got a jump start on my goal of losing 30 pounds in the next year. WAIT! I only have 11 months now.
I haven't even been able to eat much food. The thought of eating food makes me want to gag. It's quite the opposite of the problem I was experiencing last week. Shall we call that one PMS? Yes, I couldn't stop thinking about food and if I saw food it went directly into my mouth. It's like I didn't even have to pick it up. My internal hunger created such a force field that the food would just fly into my mouth. Seriously, what is a girl to do? If only I had gag reflexes when I saw something that I wasn't supposed to eat.
Now before you think I am borderline anorexic, take a breath. I AM NO WHERE NEAR HAVING AN EATING DISORDER. Don't need to send any interventions my way. I'm trusting that everything will be ship shape once I see a pint of Ben and Jerry's. Just what the doctor ordered! Can't you just see me with a pint of Ben and Jerry's Half Baked gagging as I'm shoving it my mouth. That stuff is irresistable. If I were held in a prison camp and they put Ben and Jerry's infront of me. I'd talk. It's that simple. See, now all of you know my weakness! Just promise me you won't use it against me.
Unfortunately I think I've only lost water weight and should be hooked up to an IV of fluids right now.
Here's to hoping the Green Monster will soon leave so I can live in peace. Cheers!

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