Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Oh, it's just been one of those weekends. You know how I feel about my jeans. I hang onto them for years and expect them to love me back with as much respect as I've given them. Apparently I've loved one pair of jeans more than the rest.
I'd noticed that the inner thigh area of my jeans was beginning to wear thin. It's to be expected considering my thighs are best friends and sometimes a relationship this close can cause friction. Perhaps there was just too much friction recently. It all came together at one moment this weekend in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Climbing into my cousins huge car, I stepped up onto the floor board and stretched my legs so I could reach one foot to the ground and one into the car. As I tried to hoist myself up with my right arm and jump off my right leg I heard that noise....you know, the one where you pause for a second and say to yourself, "no, it can't be." And then you look between your legs in broad daylight without a care in the world because your precious jeans have...ripped! After a brief glance, you confirm the worst. You announce to the car load of people that you have indeed ripped your pants. You pretend it's not because the jeans were too tight but because they were loved too much. That my friends is what I claim and hold to as unwavering truth.
The part I really didn't enjoy was seeing the small part of fat spill out of that tiny hole. See, a good pair of jeans holds it in as if it were a girdle. Picture a zip lock bag of pudding. Squeeze the top so that it all is pressed into the seems of the bag. Then snip the bag at it's corner and squeeze again. You have a visual image? There, you're seeing what I saw that day. Mercy Lord!
I do tend to write about more of the shallow things in life. Maybe it's because I'm just so deep in every other aspect of my life. Ha! No, I want everyone to just enjoy themselves and not be bogged down by the burdens that life can sometimes present. Perhaps someday I will write about something more life changing than a pair of jeans ripping in an unfortunate location.
Notice the new comments section at the bottom of the page. Fun fun!

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