Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Chris & Eugene

I'm such a giddy girl at the moment. Christopher Guest and Eugene Levy are teaming up once again to create pure brilliance! "For Your Consideration" is bound to be the next cult classic. My friend just sent me this article about the movie and I am wishing that I could be in this movie! Does anyone out there know how to get to Christopher Guest or Eugene Levy or any of their peeps? Huh? Help me please! This is a major dream of mine! A movie that is slightly scripted but allows room for improv and character development = bliss! I'm a slightly talented actress who makes up for any lack of acting skill with good people skills. You know how there are only six degrees of separation? This blog could be only six degrees away from the eyes of Eugene Levy or Christopher Guest. Now I'm sounding stalkerish. Perhaps you could edit this article before it's placed before their eyes. Perhaps I should attach my long resume also known as "my body of work." They may be tempted to hire me merely because of things like "Dixie Hicks," "Mockupations," "Sable." or not hire me because of things like "Dixie Hicks," "Mockupations," "Sable." Whatever, I just would LOVE this opportuntiy. I'd quit my job and move in a heartbeat.
I'm thinking this could happen. If I prayed and God saw fit to make it happen, it could and would.
So join with me in prayer.

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