Friday, August 05, 2005


What makes a cuss word? And who the heck decided that these words would be words that had conotations less than desirable? So now I'm restricted from using these words freely. Okay, so many people could care less that these words are "restricted." But lets face it, it's me, Katy, I care.
I've also had issues with the whole middle finger thing. One person decided that sticking up your middle finger was something bad so now I'm not allowed to use my middle finger as I please. Personally I'm happy to use it as a pointer. It makes sense. It's the longest of the digits on my hands (which happen to be very small....yes I have small hands). I think the middle finger should be liberated.
Laura and I were discussing the whole cuss word thing as we walked around the block trying to quiet a friends baby. What if the word kitchen were a cuss word? I hear by declare the word Kitchen a cuss word! I'm not that keen on cooking, so it doesn't bother me. What if I decided that the name, Michael, was a bad word? See, it's all really subjective. Perhaps I didn't like a girl named Shania in high school, so I declared her name a bad word.
Now I do know the origins of some of these so called "bad words." It's just all really weird if you think about it for too long. I guess it's been one of those days.

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