Monday, September 18, 2006

Inspiring Quotes

...from my life. What do they inspire? Laughter and tears.

Spoken while watching a Gap ad: "Skinny black pants is probably the worst news these thighs could possibly hear."

Janell said, "Katy, he's perfect for you. He likes to knit and enjoys doing Civil War re-enactments." My response: "Do you even know me?"


Kellsey said... make me laugh!

Macon said...

Yeah, for real!

Everyone knows you're so totally into Revolutionary War re-enactments.

This Janell, she is dead to you now, yes?

Anonymous said...

I know, I hate that!! Especially when people say "he's so perfect for you, he likes movies" or "he loves comedy too, he's really funny". Which usually means he has no sense of humor:)

sweetpea said...

i think married people lose part of their minds when they marry--the part that knew that, just because two people are SINGLE, and APPROXIMATELY THE SAME AGE, that they need to date. man, i could tell you some stories--i feel your pain.

Joe and Kelli said...

and then they have the nerve to say, "you are so picky, you'll never find anyone." that one REALLY used to make me made.
cat-nasty :)

Katy said...

Last night a friend of mine, Melody, said that her brother recently told her "if you break up with this one you might as well go and get yourself some cats." I'm taking that one personally...even though it wasn't exactly meant for me. But it was spoken by someone married at the age of 23. Two words: DON'T EVEN!