Friday, June 16, 2006

Katy's Inconvenient Truth

I've heard great things about Al Gore's new movie, An Inconvenient Truth. I saw the previews for the movie and I can tell you that I probably won't see it. I'm sure that as a resident of this earth it's my duty to go see a movie that discusses the destruction of this planet because of the way we live, but the previews scare me. I'm afraid I'll walk away frightened that the earth will collapse at any moment. Sometimes I get overwhelmed by difficult situations or tragedies and I freeze. I adopt the "all or nothing" mentality. Sadly I sometimes think that if I can't save everything then I won't try and save anything. I think I just talked myself into going to see this movie. I'd rather see Nacho Libre.

There's something about a man in tattered long johns. Now if we could get Al Gore in tattered long johns, that would be a movie!

I have an inconvenient truth for the people in my office. You know that can of aerosol spray that you keep in the bathroom? The one that's placed on the lone bathroom's sink? The one bathroom that's placed near the kitchen and provides an air path to our cubicals? It's depleting the ozone layer. And it's slowly killing me! I can't stand spray. FOR THE LOVE! Light a match! Or may I recommend using the building bathroom down the hall? That spray is toxic and it makes me unable to breathe. It closes off my windpipe and then brings thoughts of poisonous air. I hate smells. Never ask me to smell anything other than nature's flowers or fresh baked chocolate chip cookies. If you ask you'll just get a tight lipped shake of the head.

My roommates and I are trying to do our part for the eco-system. We're using the blue bag recycling system here in Chicago. I keep forgetting what we can recycle and which bag is for which material. We taped a list on top of our trash can so I'll remember. So far it's not helping. I'm visual. I need pictures. Maybe I'll print up pictures of what we recycle.


Anonymous said...

Katy - Can you please send out this post to the entire office! I am in the direct path of the bathroom air flow and almost pass out on a daily basis.

Kellsey said...

So fun that you have such an appreciation for Nacho Libre. I want to see this, too! I did just get to see "Cars", which was very cute and enjoyable.

I also recently saw X-Men 3 and really enjoyed that.

Next, I can't wait to see Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. Woo-hoo!