Thursday, January 04, 2007


I have a feeling that 2007 will be a great year. First of all, the number 7 is God's favorite number. How do I know this? The Bible told me so. I mean, He uses the number 7 in almost everything. So this is the BIG year! Second of all...there is no second of all. It just is.

My parents have no t.v. at their lakehouse and this makes us do crazy things like sit down as a family and write out our goals for the year. I actually was excited about it and am happy to be starting the year reaching for some attainable and lofty goals. I will share several of them and maybe they will inspire you to do the same!

  1. I will weigh __ __ __ pounds by 12/31/07 (this is my little secret)
  2. I will run two half marathons and compete in 1-2 triathalons this year.
  3. I will audition 3 times a month.
  4. I will write and perform a one woman show by 12/31/07.
  5. I will bring my lunch to work 3 times a week.
  6. I will read one spiritual book for every two fictional books I read.
  7. I will take a vacation with my friends and not just use my vacation days to visit family.
  8. I will be involved with four paying acting gigs this year.
  9. I will go on 25 dates this year (My dad set this goal. It appears that he's ready to marry me off).
  10. I will pray for my family everyday. (this should have been a given)

So I've got much to do this year and now you can hold me accountable!


Beck said...

Can I go on one of your vacations with you? I'm ready to get one on the calendar!

Kellsey said...

My mom decided many years ago that every year for her birthday she wanted me to write her my goals for the next year.

Usually my list looks much like yours (which rocks, by the way).

My only goal for this next year is to survive having two children with my sanity intact and some semblance of patience and grace towards them and my husband. This is quite an act of faith.

Heidi said...

I just wanted to let you know that you've inspired me. I've started "the dating game" with my girlfriends in an attempt to go on lots of dates this year. It's kind of like Fight Club. The first rule is: There is no dating game. The second rule: Nobody talks about the dating game with boys we don't know -- no need to scare them off. :) Anyway, I'll let you how it goes! Happy dating to you!