Thursday, March 22, 2007

Watch This!

Picture this:

You're trying to hail a taxi with your two big bosses. You're dressed to the 9's as far as work standards go: heels, suit and corporate bag. There are no empty taxi's to be found. You figure you'll entertain your bosses for a few seconds to remind them how witty and jovial you can be even on the way to an important meeting. You say to them, "remember Ally?" And you imitate this Ally trying to hail a cab by running into the street and high kicking the left leg while throwing her arms in the air. By the street corner you begin your imitation that is sure to draw a laugh. You kick up your leg and throw your right arm in the air. Your left arm stays by your side holding onto a large stack of folders. As you successfully complete the task and receive a laugh you bring down your left leg. On the other side of the folders, hidden from you is a fire hydrant. The heel of your Franco Sarto brown leather pump catches the top of the fire hydrant. This sends a reverberating shock from the heel of your straight leg all the way to your lower back. You hop and hop and hop trying to catch yourself from collapsing to the cement sidewalk. Success! You are safe! Your bosses laugh and the drivers of the cars on the road join in on the fun.

Picture it? Okay, now tell me this: How does one recover? Just wondering. No reason in particular. No reason at all. Not that this happened to me last friday at 1:57 pm.


Kate said...

Our family shares a talent. Check out Alyse's blog for hers, and I fell during the finale of Act 1 last night on OPENING NIGHT before the curtain closed. YES, people saw it and commented. We are a rare and wonderful breed. =)

Anonymous said...

How I love reading your blog. And it's because it is YOU to a "T". I can see the antics and hear you laughing. Love it! And you make me laugh and laugh and laugh. I love to laugh and I love you.