Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Curb Appeal

Today I found my co-worker, Donna, pulling me up from off the cement sidewalk. You see, I had just misplaced my wedge heel on a curb. Wedge heels, way-to-long pants, cement curbs, traffic, three good looking gentlemen across the street and me are a deadly combination. I felt myself falling backwards and just decided to go with it. I hear that it's better to fall than try to save yourself from falling - that's when you get injuries. I'm at that tender age where injuries are becoming more numerous; for example, the elevator breaks and you have to walk down 15 flights of stairs which makes your calves so sore that every little movement makes you vocalize your pain. My poor roommates - except they too have sore calves. Our vocalized pain together is harmonic.

So I just went with it. I fell slowly and thought to myself, "I'm falling, so I think I'll just do it with flare." My hands were full of bags so I cushioned the blow by landing on my butt - a cushion like none other. I could fall from 15 stories and still be okay as long as I land on my derierre. Of course I had to stand up dramatically and smile while laughing to let others know I was okay...and that I know I'm a dork who loses balance quite frequently in public. I hate it when people energetically yell "OH! ARE YOU OKAY?!" and then suck in their breath through their teeth and make that SHHHHHHEEE noise. I mean, it's not like I hit my head on something hard (like I did last week when getting into Christine's car....and the next day while getting into Gina's car. What is my problem?). Let's just all ignore the fact that I almost fell into traffic. Hello! Happens daily!

1 comment:

Kellsey said...

Stinks when you fall in front of everybody. I hate that for you. However, I'm glad that you've got fun stories to share now.

Speaking of stories:
I dreamed last night that I was at your parents house with you for a sleepover. We were hanging out and talking and dancing around (with your parents). When we went to bed we both slept pretty soundly. THen at 5:30 you all of a sudden sat bolt upright and said "I can't stand it anymore! I've got to get up. I can't stand to sleep late and miss half the day."

Then we looked around and saw that we had had to share a twin size bed (a point we had not realized the night before), and we were both surprised to have slept so well.

Re-enter your whole family ( I think even Patrick was there). We were all playing with some connectix type toy or something with bright colors: red and blue mostly.

Then, we went to Australia to see some show. When we were picking up our tickets at the window, the lady thought that you and I were engaged to each other. We thought that was hilarious, but did not correct her. After all, it was an alternative kind of show with an alternative kind of crowd and we really wanted to keep the tickets. So we went in and found our seats. When we sat down, we found that we had to look straight up at the ceiling in order to watch the lights there. We both thought that was going to be very strange and cause a lot of pain.

then I woke up...

crazy, no?