Wednesday, October 03, 2007


You know what? I have THE greatest family and friends. I have felt so loved over the last few days. I finally have my head on straight! My parents did a GREAT job of reminding me who I am and they broke the record of negative thoughts that were running through my head. So thank you for all of the prayers, phone calls, emails and encouragement.

Becky told me to ask people for help. I ask for prayers of clarity and direction over the next couple of months. More than anything I want to do what God desires of me. But I need to remember that that doesn't mean I should sit still paralyzed with fear that I'll do the wrong thing, or worst of all, fail. Failure haunts me. I don't fail often and that must be why it seems like a huge monster. I run from it sometimes. But isn't better to have failed trying than never to have tried at all? I should cross-stitch that into a pillow. It's sure to be a famous quote. What? Someone else said that already? Scratch that idea.

The posts are sporadic these days. Work is a bit busier than usual but it should only last for a couple more weeks. Then you'll have my usual array of daily commentary from yours truly.


Patrick & Alicia said...

Words of wisdom Katy. One of your challenges is that you are so talented and that you can do so many things well. That being said - you are destined for greatness no matter what you do.
I am proud of you sista.

Kellsey said...

I love you, Katy, and I am so glad your parents are SO awesome.

I continue to pray for you and will pray for clarity and direction, as well as a rich sense of the presence of God's Spirit in you, with you, around you.

I'm proud of you for all the risks you have taken and new things you have tried. You're awesome!

Oh, and while I'm commenting, could you email me your home address? When my computer was stolen I lost all of my addresses (including people's emails, which is why I have to ask for this in a comment and not in an email...sorry about that.)


Anonymous said...

Yea! You're asking! You know I've already been praying a ton. Ran with a friend this morning and shared how it's your turn to step out and risk now. Asked her to pray for you, too. The Lord delights in weakness and humility. So see? He delights in you (Zeph. 3:17) for sure. I'm just here on the sidelines anxious to see what He will do!