Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Progression of Thought

Liam is laughing one minute.

And the next he's worried that he hit his brain.

Liam is probably one of the most entertaining kids I've ever known. He can laugh on cue and he's a master in the art of immitation. Last night Patrick put Liam on the phone and said, "Say 'Praise the Lord' Liam." Next thing I know, Liam is joyfully shouting "PRAISE THE LORD!" in my ear. Patrick played the guitar and Liam took the guitar stand and pretended like he was singing into the microphone. He loves to lift up his shirt to show you his belly button while making a fart noise with his mouth. I tell you what, he'll keep you laughing for days.

1 comment:

Patrick & Alicia said...

Remember - he gets all that stuff from his mommy!
