So I'm walking out of Walgreens Thursday night with Jessie when a woman comes walking towards us. I make eye contact with her. She suddenly stops, looks at me and says, "ew" and then keeps on walking. WHAT?! Jessie and I were laughing so hard. I had to laugh or I would cry. It did help me that Jessie also noticed that the woman was talking to herself before she looked at me and then she continued talking to herself as she walked on by. I'm thinking someone was off her meds. God let that be it!
My mom did ask me, "What were you wearing?" What was I wearing? Do you think she was responding to my outfit? Then she asked, "Well did you at least have on lipstick?" Um, no. I had on black velour sweatpants and my big puffy kelly green jacket. I had also been crying a mere two hours earlier (kick a girl while she's down) and I absolutely did not have on any lipstick. Mom's probably thinking that the lady was correct and that I absolutely deserved her remarks. (for those who know my mom, you know that she would never think these things)
What is up with people making random remarks to me? I went running a couple of weeks ago along the lake and stopped in front of my apartment building to do a few stretches. A man stops me and says, "Can I give you a comment?" I should have looked at him right then and there and said, "NO!" But of course I didn't. Next thing I know, he places his hands on my spandex shrouded buttocks. YES HE DID! "Whoa! Don't do that. What are you doing?!" "I'm trying to tell you something. People up and down lakeshore will make you pay $100 for what I'm trying to tell you. (he proceeds to touch my shoulder, then elbow, then wrist, over and over again) I have to touch you to show you. So..." Then he again places his hands too near my back side. I pull away and said, "Um, DON'T DO THAT! Move along." GEESH! Crazy middle-aged white man who appeared normal at first look. If anyone asks if they can give you a "comment" don't confuse it for "compliment."