Friday, April 10, 2009

Shoot - Day 1

My first day on the film set started last night. I had a call time of 7:00 pm up in Skokie and was told I would be done by 9:00 pm. I've done enough of these to know that 9:00 pm means midnight. And you know what? I was right! I got home just after midnight - on a school night (I have yet to brush my hair this morning). Thankfully we were filming in a house where I could laze about on couch and continue to read about the French Revolution. Is it strange that I always hear Coldplay's Viva La Vida when I'm reading it? The song makes so much more sense to me now.

Anyway, the green dress made it's film set debut last night! Stylishly played with a black three-quarter sleeved cardigan and some colorful jewels it looked smashing! I was feeling bloated. Probably from my binge fest with tortilla chips the night before. I wanted salt and I was paying for it dearly. Thankfully the shot was basically of me and my scene partner sitting in a car. I'll need to be much more careful before tomorrow's long shoot and some full body shots of me in the dress. Perhaps it's time to welcome back my friend - Spanx!

You know what makes me want to fall asleep? Someone putting makeup on my face. Seriously, it's so soothing. Play some ocean sounds in the background and I'm a goner.

Hopefully I'll take some pictures this weekend and post them for you.


Mom said...

A star is being born! Sure wish I could be a stage mom and watch the whole thing...and be sure you have your lipstick on. Bet you look beautiful!

Anonymous said...

What film is this? I don't recall you posting about this before...maybe a long time ago?