Friday, February 17, 2006


WHA?!!!!!!!!!!??!!!!!!!!!!!!???!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Coldplay is breaking up? WHYEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?????? (knees hit the floor. fist. fist. fist. and hair pulling). Buh, wuh? I have hope that they will get back together once Apple hits school age.


Kellsey said...

Yes, well, then they have baby number 2 on the way...if they keep on having kids, Coldplay will never get back together....

sniff...muffled cry...sniff..

Anonymous said...


Seeing your sorrow for Coldplay breaking up (by the way, U2 pulled the same thing 2 years before they created "Achtung Baby") I decided to checkout your profile.
What the heck?!?! Are you fearful of putting U2 on the list because you don't want to be like everyone else?? Remember, you like Bono before he was Bono - remember, he was Paul Hewes?
Don't worry, you won't lose your original artist "street cred" if you put U2 on the list!