Wednesday, February 22, 2006

TourCo Audition

A friend called last Thursday to tell me that Second City was having auditions for women for their Tour Company on Monday. Knowing that I was less experienced than the typical auditioner I went ahead and scheduled an appointment. Thankfully I printed up my ugly headshot so I could at least have something to give them. I even worked on my meager resume'. I definitely need to spruce that up a bit. It was looking a bit more bare than it should. I know I've done many more gigs than my resume' tells.

It's an understatement to say that I was nervous for this audition. I didn't tell too many people. But I did let people know how to pray for me. I always feel better going into an audition, show, etc. after a good round of prayer. Calms me a bit. I prayed that I would feel freedom, have confidence and that they would see a little something in me.

My audition was at 11:40 a.m. I even showered for it. I wore dark pants and a bright shirt to make sure I'd stick out. No it wasn't obnoxiously bright. Subtle and me! The audition wasn't anything unusual. My nerves calmed a bit after my teacher, Tim, told us girls the night before that the audition was really more of a formality and that they "had" to hold one for girls. SUCKS! But oh well, good experience. I felt good about my short scenes. But I'm more of a long-form girl. They called two names randomly and gave us a location to start a scene. Mine was at a nail salon. Easy: I like manicures and pedicures. The other girl initiated and took the role of a manicurest. So I became a woman who was getting married after meeting someone on an internet dating service. Basically I was proud to be getting married and wanted everyone to know it! IT WAS MY TURN, DAMMIT!

To my surprise they also asked me to do another scene with a girl who I respected and had seen perform multiple times. I was so out of my league. They put us in a "newsroom." At first she started the scene very focused on the task. When I tried to initiate relationship and revelation she just ignored me. A HUGE IMPROV NO NO! So I just went with my character and kept trying to get her attention so we could talk and I could tell her why I felt ignored.

Afterwards I felt really good about my part in the scene. One girl mentioned that she was jealous that I got called up again when no one else did. I said, "Nothing means nothing!" I have no idea what that means. Basically it means that I can't read into anything! I felt awesome about my audition and like all my prayers had been answered. I knew my chances of being called back were slim, but God can work miracles. Anne Libera, my level 4 instructor, said good job to me later that day. She also said that I made a great choice with the girl who wouldn't talk to me in my scene. She said, "seriously Katy, that was a GREAT choice." I felt so good after that.

No I didn't get called back, but rumor has it that they weren't really looking anyway. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't disappointed. I am disappointed because I like succeeding in all I do. But I have to take everything one step at a time. I'm just beginning to get impatient. Hopefully something will open up soon! The audition just made me realize how much I love performing.


CrazyJohn said...

Hey! Talented pants! Why don't you just start writing something?! That way you'll always have something to perform!
If you wanted to start writing something, let me know. I'm thinking about writing something for Jenny and I... perhaps we could all collaborate?
Or you could keep whining about stuff.
(And at least YOU got to fake audition. I didn't even get that chance)

Kellsey said...

Hey, Beautiful.

I wish I had gotten to see you in such prime form. I am so glad that you felt so great about the audition, even if it really was only a fake. It will be good for you just to have had the experience. Don't you think?

Man, you're just awesome!...seriously.

Anonymous said...

John, please get her to start writing. DO IT Kates. Seriously. I mean it. It's your density.