Sunday, October 15, 2006

Mia Famiglia

Erin, Chris and Connor came into town this past weekend. This makes 3 out of the past 4 weekends that I've had family in Chicago. It's been fabulous and I've loved every second of it. Connor and I did some bonding. I think I'm his new favorite person in the whole entire world. At least I thought that until I babysat him so Erin and Chris could have dinner together. He liked me for the first hour or so and then I just couldn't measure up. As soon as they walked back in the door he laughed and smiled. As my sister was breast feeding I asked her "What do you have that I don't?"

My favorite part was waking up this morning with him next to me. He smiled first thing...and then tooted...loudly...several times. Hence the smile...

I can't wait to babysit again. Erin and Chris are wonderful parents. It's amazing to see my little sister as a mother. It's fits her perfectly!

Aren't we cute?

Apparently my face tastes great.

Connor's already a comedian. Check out his impression of the Blair Witch Project. He's going places.

I'm sure Erin & Chris will have more fabulous pictures from their Chicago trip. You can check out their website.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwwwww, such cute pictures. Love it:)