Monday, February 13, 2006

Aloha and Mahalo

So I am wearing the sign of a vacation to the beach: peeling scalp. Some people might confuse that with dandruff but I know the truth...I got sunburned! And it was great!

The Parentals and I took off to Honolulu with Wendy to spend a few days on the beach. Much to my surprise it was Pro-Bowl weekend and our hotel was the hub of ESPN. There were famous football players EVERYWHERE. But most of it was lost on me. I only know the players from back in my highschool days (aka. "When the Cowboys were good"). Did you know that when there are famous, rich football players around the number of fake boobs escalates? Neither did I. But now I know. As wonderful as Hawaii was, it also felt a bit like MTV spring break at our hotel pool. Therefore Wendy and I stuck to the beach. Some of you watching ESPN might have seen us laying out in the background. Why they didn't just broadcast that is beyond me.

The first day we only spent a few hours at the beach. We didn't want to fry like bacon when we had a few more days to do that. We decided to accompany my mom to the spa. I love the spa. It makes me feel so girly. I used to feel guilty about going until I heard the prices of green fees at golf courses. I don't feel guilty any longer. Men have their drug, we have ours. There's just something about walking around in a huge robe in public. They had us taking elevators in our robes and walking down long hallways. I didn't care. I was about to get a massage! I'm not exactly a modest person. Years of kamp took away any modesty I ever owned. Therefore if one of us has to have a man give us a massage my mother always volunteers moi. I just find that funny. I don't care and I'm sure Jude didn't either. He looked a lot like Apolo Anton Ohno (you Olympic lovers). It was fabulous and I'm still relaxed.

Just like watching Aspen Extreme before a good ski trip, a trip to Hawaii makes me want to watch Blue Crush. Both are riveting movies that have changed the face of maybe not. But they are so fun to watch! We took our Blue Crush tour of O'ahu on Thursday. We drove up to the North Shore so we could watch the surfers tempt death with those insanely huge waves. I felt like a complete tourist with my Kate Spade bag and gaucho pants. If I were in Blue Crush I would have been kicked off the beach. I couldn't compare to the Hawaiian kids with the Hawaiian Islands tatooed on their backs. One even had the word "North" tatooed on one arm and "Shore" tatooed on the other. If I really wanted to fit in I would have done the same.

Friday I desperately tried to soak up the sun. I knew I was leaving in 36 hours and had to cram in a weeks worth of sunbathing in only a few hours. Armed with good books, Wendy and I seriously laid there from 9am to 5pm. I didn't even get up to go to the bathroom. I did however make it to the ocean to float in the salty waters. The water looks inviting but it was a bit chilly. I've become a wimp in my old age. So I sucked it up and dove right in (the second time). I warmed myself up with my new favorite drink, the Chi Chi...basically a Pina Colada. I was in heaven! I didn't think things could get any better...but they did! Would you believe it? Steve Young walked right past me and parked he and his family next to Wendy and I on the beach! Wendy was like, "Who is Steve Young?" Ummmm, I only had a crush on him for, like, a couple of years in highschool because he was, like, the best football quarterback (next to Troy Aikman) for the 49ers. And didn't I just see him anchoring the Superbowl? I do believe so! I even got to see him kindly discipline his son. I approve.

I think I felt a tear roll down my cheek there on the beach. I wasn't quite ready to go home. I still needed more of a tan!

11 hours later I arrived safely at home. Is it wrong to want to hit a baby when it cries for 11 hours straight? Hear me out! I didn't hit the baby. I would never do something like's wrong! But I did consider hitting the parents. I need to pray.

My parents are still in Hawaii living the life. They are so kind and generous to ask me to come along with them. Now all I have is my memories and the healing "North" "Shore" tatooes on my arms.


Anonymous said...

why don't you get "Michigan" and "Avenue" tatooed on your arms? tres hip. and enquiring minds want to know: did you get Dippin Dots in Hawaii?

Anonymous said...

Steve Young??? how cool! I wish I could have been there with you. And no, its not wrong to want to hit parents of a crying baby. I've felt the same way, and expect people are going to want to hit me when this baby arrives. But I think I'll be smart enough to not go on 11 hour plane rides for quite a while ;)

Ineke said...

Hi there,
stumbled upon your blog today and didn't want to be that rude to leave without a comment ;)
I absolutely envie you for you Hawaii experience and would go for a sunburn any time!
greetings from the other side of the ocean, Ineke

Kellsey said...


Man! what is up with crying babies on airplanes! sometimes I want to hit the parents, too...but then I realize, "oh, that's my baby"...dang. ;-)

nothing worse than when you can't get your little one to be quiet on an airplane, and I promise, no one wants that baby to be quiet more than the parents.

On other notes, Steve Young is definitely still a cuter. That is so cool that you got to be parked next to him and his family at the beach.

is your scalp still peeling?