Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Babies R'Us

It's been such a long time since we've talked! I know, I know. I've been away for a while. Have you missed me? Well I've missed you. That's a given.

The Lindsay Reunion 2006 was fantastic! I think this family laughs more than any family I know. We've also expanded quite a bit (and not just in our waist-lines). In 2003 we had 41 people attend. This year we had over 60 people at the reunion. The most noticeable difference was the amount of babies and kids! The Lindsays are fertile! I think there were around 13 this year compared to the five in 2003. Most of the kids were under the age of four. I can't imagine how many diapers were used during those seven days!

Thankfully I was not housed in the "kids house". Don't get me wrong, our house, the "single house" was a dump compared to the new construction of the "kids house". But I began to realize as the week moved forward that I had it good! God blesses us in ways we don't understand at first! At the beginning of the reunion you would have heard me say that I was going to adopt three babies by the next reunion so I could stay in the cool house. Now I'm purposely not getting married and having kids until after the 2009 reunion. It was birth control indeed!

Okay, before you think I'm a kid hater I have to say that I miss them (especially my nephew, Connor)! It was fun playing games, changing diapers (that one time) and trying to make them smile. They were precious! The dinners were much quicker and louder than in the past. Our awards ceremony night lasted an hour compared to the three hours in 2003. But who's comparing!??? It just shows the different adventures this family has taken. I love seeing the changes...mostly. I just kept thinking, "how did our parents handle the insanity when we were little." No doubt we were louder and more rambunctious.

I can't wait for 2009! Who knows where we'll be! We began a family blog that you can check out. It's probably boring unless you're a Lindsay. We just gush love for each other.


Macon said...

I'd always pegged you more as a "kid hata," rather than a kid hater, but you know, "potato, potato."

Oh, and Welcome Back! Now I can stop hitting "refresh" hoping against hope that you've posted again.

Lindsay said...

I'm a Lindsay! Oh, wait...

sweetpea said...

welcome back....

Kellsey said...

Man, I miss staying in the "no-kids" house...I want to stay up talking and then not worry about it because I know that I can just sleep late in the morning. I want to watch a movie real loud and not worry if I am going to wake up my sleeping son...

Can I stay in the singles house if I come and visit?

Katy said...

You can always stay in the singles house. We're so exciting. We play games like Catch Phrase and Mafia.

Kellsey said...

AWESOME!!!! I LOVE those games!