Friday, February 27, 2009

Lunch Time Shopping Spree

This is my new purchase. No, I did not buy a model of a woman's reproductive system. They're my new headphones. My old earbuds collapsed and died. I'm sure I could recycle them some way. Instead I threw them in my trash. I suddenly got convicted. I'll dig them out and throw them in the recycle bin. Someone will know what to do with them.

Please don't tell me how I should have bought a cheaper but better pair of headphones. I don't think I can handle buyer's remorse right now.

I've been sick all week. I actually stayed in bed until 4pm on Wednesday. And yesterday was the perfect day to stay home since we had thunderstorms. Yes! Thunderstorms in February! I had to turn off the t.v. at one point because I couldn't hear it over the loud raindrops crashing onto my air conditioner. So I took a nap instead. It was a great two days. Which brings me to my point. I can hardly hear anything when I have these earbuds in my ears. Thanks to sinus congestion, I can hardly hear anything anyway.


Beck said...

What kind of earphones are they? Enquiring minds want to know. They look a little more ergonomic than the old earbuds.

Katy said...

They are Apple brand. I think they're new?? They do a great job of blocking out the noise around you and the sound is great. Plus they stay in my ears. That's a plus when running.