Monday, March 02, 2009

New Features

Happy March! March is a magical month in which you are pining for spring and yet still have to scrape the snow off your car. It's also magical in that there are many birthdays to celebrate this month - namely, MINE! Plus a couple of cuties (Liam and Connor - I'm looking at you!) turn a year older this weekend.

March is also known for hosting the worst movies of the year. Oscars are over and summer blockbusters are around the corner. This is when they turn out bad movies. I'm usually wary of big hollywood movies coming out this time of year. Don't get me wrong, if they offered me a movie part in a film coming out in March, I would embrace it - a full-on, lingering embrace that becomes uncomfortable for all parties involved. I'll probably spend more time at the movie theater down the street that shows independent films.

Why did I start writing this post? Oh yeah! I added two small little features to the left side. You can easily subscribe to my blog now. And I added a "Friends Who Blog" list. I started adding some and realized not all these people might want to be listed. So if you're listed and you don't want to be listed, just tell me. If you're not listed and would like to be listed, tell me. I'm on it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm leaving a comment on your blog to inform you that I left my Harper's at your apartment. That is all.

- jason