Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Somebody is a Birthday GRRRRL tomorrow! That's me! I love celebrating birthdays. I don't know why. Cake? Check. Center of attention? Check. Wrapped presents? Double check. Life assessment? Not always, but I'll go with a CHECK this year.

I've had a pretty great year. 2008 wasn't easy by any means but I really feel like I've taken steps forward in life. I don't look back and think it's been a stagnant year with no adventure, no sweat, no tears, no accomplishment. I worked hard this year taking classes, auditioning, performing, getting over myself, dating, and learning how to surrender my life to God - to REALLY surrender. And to me, that's the biggest accomplishment. Until I surrender, everything else is meaningless.

I used to think that there was no way God would want me to be an actress. I mean, how secular of a career can you get? But until I realize and believe that this actually may be what God wants for me, I won't succeed. I've prayed daily that if this is what He wants for me that He will open doors. Guess what? He keeps opening doors I never imagined possible! So I'm sticking to this road and loving every minute - well, almost every minute. I did have to kiss an 18 year old that one time. Then I scooped tootsie rolls all day. Oh and then there's auditioning. Auditioning could slay even the strongest man.

I'm tempted to think ahead about this upcoming year and share my expectations, hopes and dreams. But I think I'll relish the past - even if just for a little while. It's good to remember how far I've come because it gives me hope and a foundation for tomorrow.


life with the wisners said...

totally praying you have an awesome day tomorrow.

and i am honored to know the tootsie roll clean up girl.

i can say "i knew her when."

you're rad, dude.

Anonymous said...

What an blessing to know that our child is looking to God to know the direction her life is meant to go. And I, too, KNOW you're being, going, and doing what is God's will for your life.
We love you. We're proud of you. You bring us great joy, Katy. Your life has blessed us immensely!
Happy, happy birthday, precious girl.
Mom & Dad

Jeff and Alyse Paull said...

happy birthday katy!!!! jeff and i saw the litterbox at the store the other day and thought of you...:)

Beck said...

Such a great point on surrender, which ironically, rhymes with Orender. Just bridging the gap for you, there.