Monday, February 27, 2006

Faster Than You Can Say . . .

I should have flossed every night. I know better! Because I didn't do this and I didn't go to the dentist for two and a half years I ended up having a cavity. Sigh. I'm usually just so proud of my dental hygiene. The dentist, who happens to be the most peppy dentist I've ever met, asked if I wanted Novicaine. I said, "Yes, I'll take everything you've got!" After one huge shot in the mouth, the whole right side of my jaw went numb. It's such a weird feeling. I don't think I was drooling, but then again, maybe no one told me. They wouldn't do that, would they?

Anyway, it reminded me of yet another story where Katy says something that comes out sexual without meaning to. I have a long history of this and I'm sure Becky will probably comment with some stories. My friend from work, Laura, had a canker sore in her mouth (I don't like that word...ewwww) and was using ambisol. I was just thinking about how ambisol numbs the mouth and I thought to myself, "What would it feel like to put ambisol on your eyelid? Would it make it numb?" But instead I spoke aloud, "Have you ever used Ambisol on any other body parts?" We laughed until we cried with that one. Maybe we're just dirty minded.


Anonymous said...

Quick story: Katy and I are ordering Cherry flavored Dr. Pepper (nectar of the gods) from Sonic. I ask for EXTRA cherries because I have a knack for getting cheated out of stuff like that. The Sonic girl brings us our drinks and as we're driving away, I take off the lid to look for my extra cherries...only to find they haven't put cherries in mine (typical). I express my great dismay to Kates only to have her nonchalantly mutter,"I've still got my cherry."


Kellsey said...



(wipe tears of laughter from my cheeks)


Kellsey said...

Hey, Katy!

isn't your birthday coming up here quite soon? Or did I miss it already? i always think it is on the 12th, but then I am usually wrong.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to your next post. Have fun until then.