Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I hope your day is filled with lots of love and many wonderful surprises!

Seeing as most people think of this as a romantic holiday I prefer to think of it as a day where I can share with my family and close friends how much I love them! I did this by not sending anyone any cards or flowers, but instead opting for the communication of love: text. Yes, I texted them "I love you." Nothing says I love you like a text. I know some peopleout there are textually challenged but thankfully not the circles I run in these days.

So do yourself and your loved ones a favor, send them a text right now. Yes! This very minute tell them how much you love them by pressing the buttons on your phone. That's good! Way to go!

To all my readership: I love you! Happy Valentine's Day! Hugs and Kisses!! xoxoxoxoxoxo

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