Friday, August 31, 2007

The Final Word from Me Today

I'm homeward bound! I'm heading home to the promised land for the first time in five months. That's a long time for me!

Hello gorgeous sunsets, shrub trees and Chic-Fil-A! And let's not forget my family.


Jason and I dined together during lunch yesterday. We are definitely very different people but somehow we have so many things in common. For instance, we both are INFP's on the Myer Briggs personality test. Less than 1% of the world's population are INFP's. We would rather have one on one conversations than work a crowd. We both improvise. And finally, we both love learning and knowledge.

During our lunchtime conversation about Hip Hop music I asked him the question, "Do you feel the need to know everything there is to know?" He does and so do I. I know I was mostly asking myself this question. But why do I feel the need to know everything there is to know? I often feel pressure to be educated and well-versed on a multitude of topics. Is it the desire to be right all the time? Well yes, there's some truth in that statement. I'll admit it. But more than that I think it's my desire to be able to connect with everyone. If someone starts talking to me about Roth IRA's I want to know something about them so I can find a common denominator between us. Or maybe it's "Do you know how to play tennis?" "Why yes I do! Let's bond over it."

I am currently reading A.J. Jacob's book The Know-It-All: One Man's Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World. The author committed to reading the entire Encyclopedia Britannica in one year. That's 100 pages a day = 4 hours of reading a day. It's humerous, self-depricating and has even taught me a thing or two. Want to know why the Lacoste brand of clothing has a crocodile as it's mascot? Because the tennis player, Rene Lacoste, who started the brand of clothing was known as "The Crocodile." He once won an entire set of crocodile luggage. And there you have it. I'm so smart! Can't you just feel us connecting? If Rene were alive I could connect with him by saying, "Rene! I too love fashion and clothing. I also have a killer backhand."

Maybe I am meant to be in school for the rest of my life. Or maybe that's why I love being an actress. I can play a doctor, social worker, cop, mother, student, ninja and politician all in one year. Just think! I'll know a little of everything. Just enought to make me dangerous.

Despair Blog

I've mentioned a few times in my blog. It's the perfect website for anyone who has a slightly sarcastic pessimistic side. And let's face it, we all have one...even my mom, sweet Carol.

Now they've introduced their very own blog! Read it, watch the videos, laugh, cry and shake your fist at The Man. If I ever feel like I've been remotely witty in a blog all I need to do is read their blog to be reminded that there are people much more humerous than myself. That or they just have more time on their hands.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

The List

It's out. It's been posted. The fifth season of Dancing with the Stars will soon begin. Do I really care about any of these people? Wait, what did I just read? Mark Cuban is going to dance. *she hangs her head and sighs* *she slowly looks up at the ceiling and takes a deep breath while placing her hands on her hips* Of course he's going to dance. We knew it was only a matter of time. Oh please don't embarrass us Mark. Please. One thing's for sure, Kelly Taylor will get my vote. Maybe by the time Dancing with the Stars has run its course every single child star from 90210 will have made their appearance on the show.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Last night I went and saw Becoming Jane with a couple of friends. It was okay. Nothing to write in your blog here I am blogging. It really tried to hard to make something out of nothing. And frankly, Anne Hathaway was way way way too emaciated to play Jane Austen. Is it wrong that her collar bones were bigger than her breasts?

But what's really sad is that the author of my favorite love stories died young, single and alone. The very last sentence of the movie was, "Jane Austen and her sister never married and died young." (or something along those lines) How tragic! I turned to my friend and said, "Oh help me God!" If Jane Austen can't even get married...

Monday, August 27, 2007

Planes, Trains & Automobiles

Who doesn't love that movie? "THOSE AREN'T PILLOWS!" Oh the joy.

I finally did make it to Birmingham on Friday just past noon. They lost my luggage and it took an hour to find someone who had a clue of what to do. I had to take a cab to the hotel and at that point I was just ready to shower and take a nap. I had had it. I showered and Becky let me borrow one of her shirts. I proceeded to go commando for the rest of the day. Needless to say, those jeans are now in the dirty laundry basket. Luggage still didn't arrive before the rehearsal dinner and thankfully Becky had an extra dress and a brand new pair of underwear. This way I wouldn't have any "Britney" mishaps. Later that night the luggage finally arrived and I brushed my teeth with glee! I did brush my teeth with Becky's toothpaste and my finger earlier in the day. It just doesn't quite get the sweaters off the teeth like a good Oral B toothbrush.

Note to self: always pack extra tampons in your carry-on luggage.

Note to self again: carry-on all your luggage.

Note to self thrice: A good friend is one who will let you have a brand new pair of their underwear.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Comedy of Errors

I left for Birmingham, Alabama today at 1:45. It is now 10:01 and I'm back in my apartment in Chicago. Minutes before we were supposed to board our plane a tornado warning hit the Chicagoland area. A woman spoke to us over the intercom and suggested that we back away from the windows. No need for us to take cover in the airport. I thought that was weird. Fine by me! I'd rather not kneel on the airport bathroom floor next to strangers.

The storm passed quickly and it looked like I would only be a couple of hours delayed and would still make it to my friend's bachelorette party. Then an announcement comes that our flight is cancelled. There are no more flights today and I'll have to wait until the morning. Your luggage will be at carousel four. Well, at least I get to brush my teeth tonight and put on fresh makeup in the morning. "Sorry for the inconvenience but no luggage will be retrieved today. You'll have to wait until your flight in the morning." Ugh! All I could do was laugh. Seriously. An hour and a half later I finally exit the bus and land myself in one of the largest, longest and most heavy rainstorms I've seen. Streets were flooding and my stinky yellow wedges were ruined (yes I wore them again, I had to. They were the only shoes that worked with my outfit).

So now I'm home and in my own bed. I'll attempt another run at this trip tomorrow morning. I took a half day off from work today. Six hours of travel and I'm still in the exact same place. If this happens again tomorrow, you'll hear about it.

Lord PLEASE!!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Ruby Slippers

Please look at what the shoe-goddess herself, my mother, sent me this week!

Are they not the most absolute gorgeous shoes you've ever seen? They make me want to click my heels and say "There's no place like home." And there really is no place like home. It would make traveling so much easier if I really could wear those shoes and click my heels. When Stuart Weitzman comes out with a pair of shoes that does that, I'll be the first one in line!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Image of God

My friend Asher sent out this quote today. It's from Anne Lemott. If you've never read one of her books, you're missing something.

"You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do."

The truth hurts!

Monday, August 20, 2007


Here's a slide show of random pictures that will take hours to watch. And I know you all have nothing more important to do than sit here and look at pictures of me through the ages.

Hog Wild

Can you tell we're a Razorback loving family?

Photos are curtesy of Patrick.

I am seeing Connor's future here. He's got his game face on. I LOVE football! Who knew that Andrew was going to be playing football this year?!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Abbie Fest

HEAVY is performing this weekend at the 19th Annual Abbie Hoffman Festival...aka. Abbie Fest. See us at 9:20 p.m. this Saturday!

City Gone Wild

This city is just crazy right now. I don't know if it's the fact that the airshow is going on this weekend or that the Cubs are actually doing good this year, but the fact remains that people are just nuts! Suddenly people have forgotten how to drive, how to use crosswalks, and how to do normal things like chew with their mouths closed. I'm almost scared to go anywhere tonight. Janell's mom is in town and is taking us somewhere delicious for dinner so I think I'll risk it. I'll do almost anything for a good meal.

It's been a really really long week at work and with my personal life. I'm so glad it's Friday. And what am I going to do now that So You Think You Can Dance is over? I asked Jessie the other day who would win if we had a So You Think You Can Dance competition between the girls in our apartment. Honestly, I think it would be me. I don't mean to brag but... Then I said that she would win if we had a So You Think You Can Sew contest and Janell would definitely walk away with the title of champion if we had a So You Think You Can Cook competition. Lately I'd also win for the So You Think You Can Ignore Your Alarm and Sleep In Instead of Running Off Those Cookies You Ate Last Night contest.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Go Trojans!

One sixth of the girls from my graduating class got together this past weekend to enjoy good food, adult libations and memories of the past. To view all the pictures of us gorgeous women from the entire weekend you can click here.

Friday night we ate ourselves sick on Sushi and rolled ourselves home. Seriously, no pun intended. Okay, maybe a little pun. Then we began the slumber party festivities.

We braided each others hair and polished each others toes while having a pillow fight. Not really. Instead we put in our senior year video. Let me just say that big hot-rolled hair was in! I didn't think hair could get much bigger than it did in the 80's. I was wrong. Early 90's style was just bad. Oh so bad. We laughed and shared a few moments of "whatever happened to so and so." By the end we had a few moments of extreme nostalgia. We really had it good.

Saturday we ate again. We actually did this three times in one day. Amazing, I know. We decided to rent bikes up by Foster Beach and Tiffany led us on a lakefront tour. No one crashed or burned....well, Courtney did sunburn, but that doesn't count.

Have you ever been to the Chicago Oven-Grinders pizza? DELISH! One must try this unique dining experience. But be sure to get there 10 hours in advance for a table. You think I'm kidding. Tre' popular!

It was so hard to see everyone leave. The best part was just seeing how wonderfully everyone is doing. The best part is that the insecurities and competition from high school has indeed remained something that happened in high school. It's great to see people who truly care about one another and want the best for each other. That's what I call success.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Bad News, Good News

Bad News: My favorite pair of summer shoes are starting to STINK. I thought somebody elses feet were smelling terrible. Turns out that rancid smell belongs to me. Good bye cute yellow wedges. We had so many good times together.

Good News: Oreo McFlurry for afternoon snack time. This could turn into bad news later.

Chicago Loves Me!

Chicago has sprinkled me with it's love over the past four years but Saturday morning, the city gave me the ultimate gift of love: My car was towed. I love you too Chicago! Someday I'll give back this great love you have shown me.

Marissa and Chris have a parking place behind their building. Their landlord said it would be okay for someone to park in their spot if there's a note from Chris & Marissa stating the car belongs to someone staying with them. I had a brief hopeful thought that perhaps my car had been stolen. I honestly don't want my car stolen. I love it and the trunk is full of my favorite Christmas decorations. So I don't know why I had that thought.

The towing company said they did indeed have my car. I asked if there was a note on the windshield. Perhaps someone had taken it off as a gesture of neighborly love and a good ole fun prank! Nope, the note was there, but "we don't look at notes, only at permits." Aha! So it was the towing company that goes around looking for cars to tow so they can make their money. Don't look at notes!? PULEEEZ! And when I pulled up to rescue my car, yep, the note was right where I left it. The man didn't even look me in the eyes. He knew he was guilty. I know it. He knows it. Everyone who has ever had their car towed knows it! I decided to take a few breaths and to not fight the city on this one. My friends were in town and it was better to just pay it off and burn off a little steam while we peddled rented bikes along the lake. That and eat a bomb pop. Oh bomb pops, you are summer to me!

My friends are great and are always quick to step in and help. They each threw a $20 bill at me to help contribute to the Rescue the 4Runner fund. They saved me some serious money by helping the girl out. So I am indeed loved!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Blast from the Past

Any minute now five friends of mine from my childhood should be arriving in Chicago! Whitney, Tiffany, Megan, Bunny and Courtney are making their way up here to have a mini-reunion with me and Marissa. Most of us have known each other since we were in third grade. When I lived in Dallas after college we would all try and get together once a month. As far as I know, they still try and keep that tradition alive. I'm going to try and convince as many of them as possible to move to Chicago.

I'm sure the weekend will involve eating, laughing, eating, drinking, eating and some more eating. God give me strength!

I'll be sure to post pictures soon.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The 411

So what has been going on the past few days that has refrained me from posting? Good question!

1) Red Eye: Note to self - avoid taking the Red Eye flight from Los Angeles to Chicago at all costs when you have to go straight to work. It hurt so bad y'all. Fortunately I had an empty seat next to me in a 3 seat section. But for some reason the guy by the window took the liberty of using two of the seats. I "wake up" from my nap to find that his head is right by my hip. I didn't even know his name! I mean, he did offer me gum, and that's nice and all, but this situation was a little intimate if you ask me. Have you ever thought about how intimate it is to sleep on a plane next to a total stranger? I mean, if you turn your heads and they are facing each other, you're basically breathing on them...and vice versa. There was that one time on a flight to Montana that I kept bobbing my head all over the place. The guy next to me woke me up and said, "you might want to put your seat back, it will help you to stay in one place." Was I embarrassed? No, I was too tired. I mumbled something like "Yeah, okay. Thanks" and went right back to sleep. I was a zombie on Monday. I went home and slept for two hours before I had to be at a late rehearsal. LATE rehearsal. What am I doing to myself?!

2) Gas Leak: At 11:45 am yesterday our meeting was interrupted by Firemen banging on our office door. They yelled at us to leave the building immediately. There was a carbon monoxide leak in the basement of the building. So grabbing our purses (can't live without it) we ran downstairs. There was a news crew there and everything. Which makes me wonder how a news crew heard about this before we even were asked to leave the building... I'm glad they found us! So as we exited the building a fireman looked each of us in the eye to ask if we were okay. I should have said no because one of our co-workers said, "I think so" and was wisked away for further observation by hot firemen. I should have been more on my game! We were told to return in an hour and a half. I hit up Nordstrom and it hit me right back with a cute pair of shorts and a skirt. We came back to the office and next thing we know, they're sending us home! Ah glorious gas leak! 'Tis an answer to prayer! In case any of you are concerned, I'm fine, we're fine, we're living to tell the tale. And I'm sitting back in my cube again.

FYI: Carbon monoxide is BAD. Go to to learn more about the symptoms. Good to know! Nausea, dizziness, headache, confusion....basically how I felt after taking the Red Eye.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

X-Games: Super Moto, Moto X Freestyle and Moto X Race

This was an exciting day! The sun was warm, the air was cool, and my shorts were sweaty from the hot seats. No seriously, they were. I had to stand up one time to go buy a hot dog and soft pretzel (basically I ate a loaf of bread) and realized I looked like I didn't make it to the bathroom in time. But again, that's neither here nor there...

My favorite event of the night was the Moto X Freestyle competition. It was similar to the Big Air competition but they did about 1,000 more jumps and tricks. More than once I grabbed onto Andrew's arm and screamed. I'm happy to report that there were a few crashes but everyone was able to walk away.

Here are a few pictures.

Today we are going to explore the beach again. Did I mention I have a farmer's tan from two days ago? I do. I need to get rid of it before I go home. Then we'll go to Hollywood or something. Who knows! We are taking the red eye flight home so we have the whole day ahead of us.

Santa Monica: Day 2

Andrew and I enjoyed the beach on our second day in Santa Monica. We worked out (a true vacation miracle) and then rented bikes and rode from one end of the bike path all the way to the other. We rode a roller coaster, drank fresh squeezed lemonade, and walked/people watched along Venice Beach. Venice Beach = interesting sights.

That night we found our way to the Promenade in Marina Del Ray and saw Bourne Ultimatum. Two thumbs up from us! We saw it in the "Directors Hall." That means that there are comfy leather seats, better sound, assigned seating and a pricier ticket. Who cares! It was great!

Here are a few pictures from the day.

Oh and I bought some skinny jeans on sale from Nordstrom Rack. Why? Why would I do that? Skinny jeans = spandex (on me). I think I was overwhelmed by the skinnyness of the jeans here in California. When will I EVER wear these back home?

Friday, August 03, 2007

X-Games: Big Air Finals

We're in L.A.!! Andrew and I drove our tiny red Volkswagen to the Staples Center yesterday for the Skateboard and Moto X Big Air Finals. Let me just say that more than once my heart jumped out of my throat and I buried my head in my hands while in disbelief. These guys are INSANE! I now have a whole new vocabulary. I know the names Twitch, Travis Pastrana, Kyle Loza (gold medalist), Todd Potter, Brian Deegan and the Metal Mulisha. It's a whole new world and I loved it!

We saw men doing flips, sometimes even two, while on a motorcross bike. We even saw a guy, Jake Brown, free-fall in the air after pushing too far away from the wall after flying on his skateboard. I know they keep replaying it on ESPN. I seriously thought he broke his neck. You can see it here:

Can you believe that he walked away?

Here are a few pictures from last night. We are heading to the beach to ride bikes.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

X-Games 2007

In exactly 20 hours I will be in L.A.! Not that I'm counting. Tonight I'm going to spend a couple of hours preparing for my trip: packing, cleaning, making lists, researching Santa Monica, getting a tattoo, self-made pedicure... Whoa! Did I just say tattoo? Yes, yes I did. I mean, I want to fit in with the crowd at the X-Games. Am I right or am I right?

I once had a dream that I got a white tattoo. It was some sort of white script written on my inner forearm. What does that mean? It means I was watching Miami Ink before bed. As if there is such a thing. I love that show. I know this may come as a surprise, but I occasionally cry during emotional episodes. It also may be prompted by me asking Becky, "Okay, if you had to get a tattoo or you would be killed, what would you get?" I always ask deep and insightful questions like, "Okay, if you could have anyone walk into the room right now at this exact moment, who would it be?"

I'll try to update from the road.
Meanwhile, here's a picture of Andrew doing his thing!