Friday, April 04, 2008

Should I Be Concerned for Myself?

My dreams this week have consisted of:

1. I made friends with a Lion and we ran through an open field together.

2. I got my hair cut short-er. It was a little past my chin. But the guy that cut it was a barber who used large metal scissors that were rusty. It kind of hurt. Maybe I subconsciously want to watch Sweeney Todd.

3. I danced a few saucy latin dances with a really cute guy. This was a great way to wake up this morning.

4. I dreamed that I was at camp in a cabin that had six bunk beds. It was also well-known that there was a ghost of a girl who lived in the third shower stall. She was a really friendly ghost and gave us all high-fives. I also asked her to refrain from scaring me and that it would be kind of her if she kept in her shower stall first thing in the morning. But then she became really needy and said, "I'm scared, can I sleep in your bunk with you." Uh, no. You're crossing the line girl ghost.

That's all I can remember this week. I think I need to cut down on the pre-bedtime chocolate.


Anonymous said...

maybe the ghost is like your little sister and just wanted to be near you when she was scared. ;)
maybe she would just touch your leg with her toe so she knows you are still there. hee hee

Anonymous said...

I really like #1 and #3. 2 and 4 are a bit spooky and odd. Sometimes I wish I'd remember my dreams, but on the rare occasion that I actually do, I realize that they're a bit creepy and I should be glad they're out of my consciousness. I've probably had a happy dream or two in my life, but I never remember the good ones.
Your mind is fascinating! Thanks for sharing these private moments w/us.
Love you SO much,