Monday, May 19, 2008

Under the Weather

I've been holed-up with kleenex up my nostrils since Friday. Today really isn't that much different. I've got cabin fever and don't want to open up another packet of sudafed. But I will go ahead and thank God for the So You Think You Can Dance Marathon that was showing all weekend long on MTV. I watched almost every episode from the 3rd season. It was like visiting old friends again.

Season 4 starts this Thursday!! I seriously wish I could be on that show.


Anonymous said...

katy! what a coincidence. i too was sick and watched (almost) the entire SoYouThinkYouCanDance marathon as well! if only we could have been sick and watching it together :( bum luck. hope you are feeling better soon.

The Mitchells said...

head to's 98 today and i'm sure it would do wonders for your nose

Lindsay said...

I'm sorry you're sick, feel better!! :)