Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Where are You Dolph Lundgren?

I've debated on whether or not to say anything because I'm a perfectionist and heaven forbid if I didn't do something perfectly AND EVERYONE KNEW ABOUT IT! The shame! The horror! But I'm a grown woman now, so I'll go ahead and lay it out there. Besides, your prayers would be lovely.

Are you scared about what I'm going to say? What thoughts are running through that pretty little head of yours? If only I could know! I'm sure you're waiting for me to announce that I am indeed a lesbian. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not. And no, I'm not moving back to Texas. And before you even mention it, I've decided not to cut my hair short anytime soon.

Drumroll please! Don't you think drumroll's are usually a prelude to something underwhelming? Not here! Drum away!

Things have been exciting in regards to my acting career lately. Through taking classes I have found someone who believes in me and what I'm doing. Hallelujah, praise the Lord! Not only that but she's well connected and wants to help me move forward in getting an agent. So Tuesday I have an audition with a great Chicago agent. I am doing a short monologue and then perhaps a cold reading. So if you know me, you know that internally I'M FREAKING OUT! I'm going through all my mantras trying to calm myself down. Months of therapy are leading me up to this moment - one where confidence and truth triumph over anxiousness and fear of failure. It's just like Rocky IV. "I must break you."

I would love your prayers!

And in case you're wondering, Dolph is really tan and well coiffed.


Christine said...

I stumbled across your blog some weeks ago and have been following your posts. I'm a married mom in the far western suburbs of Chicago. Your plans for next Tuesday are wonderful! Best of luck to you!

Anonymous said...

i am so proud of you!!! you will be fabulous! let's chat soon b/c so you can give me all the good details. miss you! gina :)

Heidi said...

Good luck! That is amazing, Katy.

Anonymous said...

Good Luck my friend!

Jack said...

So exciting!! From one perfectionist to another, I'll be praying! Keep us posted. We missed you at the beach.

Kate said...

Congrats, Katy! That is awesome! All of your hard work - you truly are talented. Have fun with it!

Anonymous said...

You are more talented than you even know. I am so proud of you. I love to see that you are starting to live your dreams!