Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Here we go:

1. I am back at work and feeling much better. A 7:00 am doctor appointment this morning confirmed that allergies do nothing for me but cause a raucus. I'll refrain from going into the transitional color of my mucus. Gross you out a little? I know. I totally did that on purpose.

2. My audition went...ooookay. I felt strong with my monologue but was thrown for a loop when they asked to see one of my typical improv characters.'s improv. I really don't have a character I use as a "fall back." I guess I need to come up with one just in case this happens again. It's all a learning experience. I don't think I need to go into a long explanation with them about how my improv is more relationship focused. And FYI...I just threw a "character" out there to have something for them. I'm thinking it didn't exactly do the job. But hey, I did it!

3. It's official! Little brother Drew is flying into Chicago for the long weekend! We're taking a Segway tour, going to my show, cheering on the White Sox, hitting the beach and then I'll send him home exhausted. I can't wait!

4. So You Think You Can Dance. That show is going to steal my heart for the next umpteen weeks.

5. Off to Nordstrom for their semi-annual sale. Key word: Shoes.


Anonymous said...

semi-annual sale? why is this the first you mention of it?

Anonymous said...

do you hear me crying in iowa? how much do i miss the semi-annual sale??? is this the one with hanky pankys on sale? you may have to buy me some! :) miss you! ginalynn

Anonymous said...

A segway tour? Now I am totally jealous! I really need to get up there and see ya sis!
Do you think they take baby car seats on segways? (Just kidding)