Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas in Lakeview

Christmas is one of my favorite times of year. We obviously love it in our apartment.

I mean, just look, I'm hugging a tree!

We recently celebrated our roommate Christmas. Janell cooked us up a fantabulous dinner (served, of course, on my Christmas plates!). Here's how the night played out:

Janell: "You two are just such fabulous roommates. I want to wish you both a Merry Christmas and Happy New Years! Cheers!"

Me: "I know exactly what you mean Janell. We have been so blessed. I have so many deep thoughts in my head. Can't you tell just by looking at my face? I'm about to say something really profound. Get out your pen and paper y'all. You're going to want to write this down."

Jessie: "Deep schmeep! Let's keep it light and fun! It's Christmas! I just got my hair done so I no longer have roots! Let's open our presents and God bless us everyone!"

Katy: "I need a nap first. I ate too much. When are we having dessert? I smell chocolate."

(feet shuffling into the living room)

Katy: "Janell! Anthropologie?! You are like a mind reader!"

Janell: "And I'm looking HAWT in my new necklace. Horseshoes are for luck girls. Watch out world, 2008 is going to RAWK!"

Jessie: "And I am really hip you guys. Not only do I have really hip platinum blonde hair and a cool cut, but now I have hip makeup and an ipod alarm clock to go with it. I'll give you guys makeovers after Christmas. I could do so much with your look."

From our home to yours, Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Obviously the room mates are all extremely intellectual, well mannered and socially advanced in their natural habitat... or ... :-)

Great job on the pictures and captions. You all look like you have a great time and place together with a lot of fun thrown in.

Merry Christmas to you all!

Anonymous said...

What a FUN post! I'm sure we'd all love to see something like this monthly, or whenever you get together. Merry Christmas to the three of you!!!