Monday, December 03, 2007

Braces Please

Will someone please do me a favor? Wire my mouth shut!

It's nearly impossible to eat right this time of year. Someone's always having a birthday and naturally that involves birthday cake. Someone makes you cookies and you can't turn down a gift...or cookies. You want to drink hot chocolate from your cute Christmas mug. A friend invites you to a steak house...for FREE...and you have to eat your weight in creamy mashed potatoes and carrot cake. I drink decaf coffee afterwards because that's what those skinny europeans do, at least I think they do. I'm assuming and praying that it will help with the metabolism. It isn't helping.

It's time for an intervention. You know what goes nicely with an intervention? Creme Brulee.

1 comment:

Kellsey said...

Personally, i find that still-warm-from-the-oven brownies with french vanilla ice cream on top go well with an intervention.