Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Making a Scene

Thank God I don't get migraine headache's often! I feel sorry for anyone who has to go through that. Monday night I had a headache that just kept getting worse and worse. Finally, all I could do was go to bed, close my eyes and pray that I would stop feeling sick. I woke up Tuesday morning, still feeling sick and like I had been hit by a truck. I stayed home and slept and slept and slept. Then I woke up and watched the only thing on in the middle of the day - another horrible Lifetime Christmas movie. I've never watched the Lifetime channel until the past two weeks. What is it with me and Lifetime these days? Oh, and I watched the opening two minutes of Days of Our Lives. Marlena still looks the same age and I pretty much didn't recognize anyone else. When did teenagers take over the show?

Anywho, I was trying to psych myself up for an audition later in the day. It was for Chekhov scenes to be performed in late February and early March. I did my usual monologue, then they asked if I had prepared anything else, say classical. "Uh, what? Ummm, not so much. I mean, I do have a classical piece but I haven't done it in seven months and my recollection of all the words is, ummm, pitiful." "What is it?" "Shakespeare's Corialanus. I play Volumnia." (I actually really love this monologue) "Well, do it for us anyway, don't worry about the words." My thoughts - so you want me to make grunts and gesture? Okay, I'll just make it up. "Okay, here it goes...." I said probably half of the words. I remembered the beginning, a line from the middle and the very end. At the end I just raised my arms and said, "That's all I remember" and gave them the cutest smile I could muster. They actually asked me to stay and do a cold reading! I need to remember to forget my lines more often!

Lesson learned: ALWAYS prepare multiple pieces in case they ask you to perform something else. And, do whatever they ask, no matter how stupid you feel, it shows you're brave...and are willing to try anything. (within reason people).

1 comment:

William A. Orender said...

Well Katy, it sounds like you got hammered...haha
As for days of our lives, I do not know. I can't say that I am a frequenter of soap opras...why are they even called that?
Wow I am so impressed by your abilities with acting. Every time you tell us about one of your auditions, you tell of these incredible situations that you get put into and then you always come out on top. It's because you are so loveable!

Oh and by the way, I'm getting you a new butt for christmas because I know you froze yours off in Chicago! *Dad told me to say that! See you soon!
p.s. mavs are winning 37 - 20 against the suns at the end of the 1st quarter.