Friday, June 06, 2008


Yesterday I went on my first "go-see." It was just like America's Next Top Model except not at all. All I knew was to dress "nice-casual" and that it was for a drug store company. I had a meeting earlier in the day so I was wearing my cute black dress and pink and black polka-dot heels. Lovely! I arrive at the photography studio and see a line of people standing down the sidewalk and around the fence. Whoa. Normally this would be no problem, but today it was a big problem. It wasn't so much the line as the 90 degree, wet and muggy weather. This does nothing for my hair or my face. Well, it actually does a lot. Poofy, windblown hair and french-fry grease face. I was the essence of attractive. And let's not even mention the effect of muggy, humid weather on my thighs when wearing a skirt or dress. Long distance walks only means pain.

So I make friends with a cute little red-headed five year old. There are kids and adults of every age, ethnicity, size and cuteness. Most were normal people but then you had those male models that were obsessed with checking out their hair in the window. Yes, your hair looks fine. Keep moving! My thighs and face are melting. The studio was really amazing. The guys photography was incredible...though completely inappropriate for children walking through. I mean, INAPPROPRIATE! Those poor parents. No telling what questions they were asked that day.

Finally it was my turn with the photographer. I quickly powdered the nose and stood in front of the lights. Quick headshot facing forward, then a full body to the side and then she asked, "do a different pose." Suddenly my mind seized up and flashes of Tyra Banks saying, "Fierce!" and "No, not like that. Like THIS!" ran through my head. I amateurishly put my hand on my hip and gave my best friendly smile.

We'll see. I would LOVE it if you saw my face every time you walked into a Walgreens or CVS. Let's just hope there wouldn't be a sign under my face saying, "This is the face of herpes." I'd get plenty of questions from my family after that one.


Heidi said...

Katy, it's so fun to hear about this kind of thing cause it is sooo different from my typical day. I just think it's awesome that you're doing it. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Cool! I had no idea that's what it was like when drug store companies needed print ads. I thought they started with, "we need this approximate age, this race/ethnicity, this hair color, etc." But I guess your experience makes sense too.

If they end up using your image, will they tell you, or do you just get paid for going to the go-see?


Katy said...

The go-see feels more like a lottery. They take your picture and put it in a pile with the rest. They weed through the pictures to see who they would like to work with during the actual photoshoot. But hey, maybe they'll look at me in the future and say, "yes, I think she'd be perfect in a print ad of her riding a horse while holding onto the back of a gorgeous cowboy." Or maybe it's more like, "we'll put her in a terrible bridesmaide's dress and have her talking to her friend about how horrible weddings are while they eat yogurt."

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm gonna attempt this again (I don't think my comment took the first time). Anyway, cool, thanks for the clarification! :)
