Thursday, June 12, 2008

Updated List

Living far away from your best friend sometimes forces you to update each other on your lives quickly through email. Today I made a list for Beckles and here it is:

A few things:

1. period and white pants. bad idea jeans.

2. starbucks gave me caffeinated coffee today. i was climbing the walls and freaking out about my career.

3. my scene partner last night said, "You mean that last summer you were even smaller than you already are?" I could have kissed him.

4. i went down over 5 pounds this week. PRAISE GOD! But you need to gain weight b/c you're pregnant and incubating a life!

5. I'm struggling with my talent. I know it's there but I don't trust myself or have enough confidence at the moment. Pray for me.

6. My bike got fixed and I can't wait to ride it! woohooo!

7. 8 days until I see my family. I could cry.

8. I can't believe i'm missing your shower. Know that i'll be there in spirit. My spirit will be skinny dipping while everyone eats bbq.

9. I've avoided the 10 pound chocolate bar in the kitchen for two days. I don't know how much longer I can hold out. It's like telling a two year old not to throw a fit. It just comes naturally.

10. My legs have never been so pasty white. We're talking the color of fine white linen.

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