Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Favorite TV Show: The Office (British Version)

I've made an observation since joining myspace a couple of days ago. Well, I've actually made a couple of observations. The first is that I'm addicted. I'm addicted to finding people I haven't seen in years. I'm addicted to having friends, lots and lots of them. I need medication. The second is that there are people out there who put under their favorite TV shows that The Office (British Version) is their favorite show. I find this hilarious. I'll just go ahead and answer this question for you: yes I've seen both the British and U.S. versions. The more probing observation here is that only certain people insist that the British version is their favorite. Yes, the British version is fantastic, but there's a since of snobbery about claiming it as your favorite. It's like saying, "you know what? I'm even more intelligent than you because I find the British version funny. My humor is more elevated than yours. Plus I discovered it before America discovered it. That just shows how cool I am. I'm hip. Much hipper than you. I watch the BBC because I'm cultured. I care about what happens in the world. You only discover things when they finally come out on DVD. While you were still hooked on American Idol (for which I prefer the British version, Pop Idol, that came first) I was working in the trenches to make sure this show stayed alive! I also was one of the founding fathers of Arrested Development! It's because of people like YOU, you DVD watchers, that the show had to be CANCELLED! You just don't get it do you? I HATE YOU!"

And that's how I feel about that.

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