Monday, March 06, 2006


I am swimming deep in the sea of Middle Child Syndrome and my floaties aren't helping. I knew this day would come. It's been predicted and after months of planning and strategy, I still can't seem to stay afloat! Less than 24 hours after Becky's wedding I find myself driving down Dallas Parkway in my mom's car to my "birthday dinner" with the windows open so I can dry my tears and hide them from my family. I start thinking about how my best friend is now married. I used to always be able to count on her for singleness and now I can't. And you know what, that's okay (she lies to herself as she looks in the mirror). The second big change comes in that my sister is about to give birth! I can't believe it! She goes into the hospital tonight so she can be induced tomorrow. What the heck is Cervical Ripening Gel? Wait, don't tell me. I'm not sure I want to know. Something about a cervix that needs to be ripened and the only way to do that is to use gel. I think it's all coming together for me. Bless her heart!

Chris and Erin have been pretty secretive with the names they've chosen for the baby. Chris is a major Comic nerd. And I mean that in the best of sense. You can visit his Komikazee website. He seriously asked Erin if they could give their maybe future son the middle name, Vadar. Lately it's been Thor. Ummm, no you can't! NO WAY IN HELL WILL I TELL MY FRIENDS THAT I HAVE A NEW NEPHEW NAMED THOR! What if they do name the baby Thor? I'll giggle nervously and tell them that it's a wonderful name and that he'll have no problems coming up with a halloween costumes. He'll probably have huge muscles and win lots and lots of body building contests. Then he can become the future governor of California. How can you not be successful with a name like Thor? I change my mind, Thor is a good name.

So please be praying for Erin and Chris. It's going to be a long 24 hours for them and the rest of us. It's killing me that I can't be there. They've promised to update me on every little detail...except the Cervical Ripening Gel.


The Mitchells said...

you are so dearly loved...and just as a note of encouragement...I have a picture of the new Mrs. Page crying at my wedding 1.5 years ago that she would never be married (after she caught my bouquet) maybe the tradition will continue...not because you are looking, but bc someone is looking for you!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Katie, I'm a middle child, too. There is a bond between middles, so don't forget it!

Thanks to you and your family for making me feel such a wonderful part of Becky's wedding. And, when Becky gets home, she'll be talking to you. You will never lose that special connection you two have.
And now, you have another aunt! And you are an aunt! Congratulations to Erin and Chris on that wonderful new son! Thor wouldn't be so bad, although I knew someone named Thor and he did not live up to the image at all.

Lots of love and thoughts and prayers.
Aunt Diane

Anonymous said...

Tear my heart out with the story about you having to roll down the windows to dry your tears! Can we blame Russ? Oh! and will you please post a photo of you as a babybuns riding the Big Wheel??