Thursday, March 23, 2006


See this group of people? Don't we just look talented? Don't you just want to laugh already just by looking at our faces? No? Well, YOU'RE BORING! Oh wait, you were kidding. Got it. So you do think we're funny? Oh, well then you'll have to see the show. The FINAL show. So sad but true, we're graduating from The Second City Conservatory on Monday night. Come see us on the E. T. C. stage at 8:00pm. We perform with two other VERY talented groups: Jamaica University and Box Movers. I promise we'll sign autographs....or I promise we won't. Whichever you prefer...

It's amazing how much REBIRTH has been through. We love each other like brothers and sisters and we fight like it too sometimes. But I think in the end we've all been drawn together and have finally formed a unique respect for one another. We're seeing how each one of us must play a part for the whole picture to come together. There's the loud, funny guy. The smart witty guy. The bumbling hilariously awkward guy. The woman with a flare for the dramatic. The woman who never ceases to surprise you. The woman who is not afraid to be graphic. The woman who will support you in anything. The woman who brings energy to every scene. Where do I fit in all of this? I'm not really even sure. All I know is that it works. It finally works. Somehow we've become an ensemble. I'm sad that we are graduating but hopefully it doesn't mean the end of working together.

It's been an honor and a blessing. I've fallen in love with these 8 other people. It's a beautiful thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know I'm a little late in reading this, but "bumbling...awkward?"