Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Charmed Bracelet

Do you remember when charm bracelets were everything? I remember when James Avery was everything. How my heart rejoiced over small silver trinkets like dangle rings, charms and necklaces. In 6th grade I was simply going to DIE if I didn't have a pair of rings to share between me and my best friend. I was desperately trying to find a best friend who could wear the "be...fri" to match my "st...end" dangle ring. Match them together and you have "best friend." Awe. Sigh.

Today I decided to wear my charm bracelet that I've had since I was in junior high. Slowly but surely I obtained charms that represented my high school years. If someone was to look at my wrist they would wonder what kid I stole this from.

The following is a list of charms and what they represent:
1) basketball: because I was an athlete. I may have been short but I was feisty.
2) A+: beating all the odds I was obsessed with making good grades.
3) volleyball: still one of my favorite sports.
4) sweet 16 heart: obviously I got this when I turned 16.
5) megaphone: go Trojans! If it's not obvious enough, I was a cheerleader.
6) heart with a "K": I'll give you 3 guesses.
7) tennis racket: because my dad desperately wanted me to play tennis.
8) snow skis: because I desperately wanted to be an olympic downhill skier. still do.
9) welsh corgi: I had a welsh corgi growing up named woofie.
10) "st...end" : please see above
11) clown: because I was funny? I don't remember getting this one. Clowns scare me. Poltergeist scarred me for life.

I haven't received a charm since. But if I were to continue to fill my charm bracelet today I would choose the following:
1) pint of Ben and Jerry's: does this really need an explanation? see all posts
2) computer: because it's slowly sucking my life away.
3) bottle of clearisil: because I still have teenage acne at the ripe old age of 30.
4) an Oscar: because I will win one someday DAMMIT!
5) marathon medal: to remind me that I was once somebody.
6) charm that dispenses floss: so I won't have any excuses for not flossing after a meal.
7) bridesmaids dress: I spent most of my vacation days this year in a bridesmaid dress.
8) best aunt: because Connor would want me to have it. I only speak truth.
9) inhaler: to use when climbing the steps for the el.
and finally 10) laser gun: to represent NO MORE WAXING!!!

Wow, what an exciting life I do lead!


Anonymous said...

hmmm. here's a few more:
11. kleenex box: see many posts
12. pile of clothes, to represent your room
13. another heart with a K - to remind you of your love for Kanakuk and how it is the most important love this earth has ever hatched, don't you forget it. I'm Third!
14. a match - for when you are driving around in the car with me.
15. a microphone - to spur your Kareoke dreams
16. Coco Mango. nuff said.

The Mitchells said...

Could Anonymous be Becky?

Anonymous said...

I thought the heart with a "K" was for kanakuk! What else could "K" possibly stand for?

Anonymous said...

Courtney forwarded me your new blog address. I will now be a regular blog reader! Miss you!

Lindsay said...

Oh my god, that is so funny. I had a best friend one. I gave the st-end one to a girl who dumped me for someone more popular. And I had a tiny phone when I got my own phone line. And a soccer ball, even though I sucked at it. I would really want some kind of
Chicago landmark to signify that I made it here.

Anonymous said...

You have become a "must read" for me! Your talent with words is amazing. It is so much like having a new friend. Now I just have to find the time to go back to the beginning of your blog and catch up. Keep up the fun, the games, finding new playmates and remember, "They can make you get up but they can't make you grow up".

A secret admirer