Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Tears, BIG Tears

Sunday night I happily found myself on the couch huddled with my roommates watching Grey's Anatomy. Sometimes there's nothing better than putting on your p.j.'s at 8:00 p.m. and watching the evening lineup. Usually I am doing something at all hours of the day. I'm just like my dad. There's too much of this world to explore and experience to waste it sitting on the couch. But Sunday night I couldn't have been happier. It also made me realize that I need to do more of nothing sometimes so I can truly appreciate life's adventures.

My cousin, Jessie, made me aware a few months ago that I like to guess what's going to happen in movies or t.v. Not only do I guess, but I guess OUT LOUD, ALL THE TIME! I think it's because I like to sound smart or guess things before they happen so I can say things like, "I told you so." But the humorous part is that I'm just shy of being ALWAYS WRONG! We laugh that I have a 35% chance of being correct. Frankly, I think that's a generous number. When I do get something right everyone knows it. I must be the most annoying person with whom one could watch 2-dimensional entertainment. I would like to just go ahead now and apologize to anyone who watches t.v. with me or will one day watch t.v. with me. I just can't help myself!

The emotional exploitation of Sundays episode of Grey's Anatomy didn't disappoint. I mean, when that dying lady (Jackie from Roseanne; aka: Laurie Metcalf) was sharing life's wisdom with her daughter I almost lost it. Then when she got to the part telling her daughter that she will one day have a child it's the most important part of her life, blah blah blah, I was sobbing. I'm talking hands to the face, tears spewing, guttoral groans...the works. I think I scared my cousin. Jessie only moved in with me in August. I haven't watched many movies or television in the past 8 months so she had yet to experience the joy that is me being emotional ripped apart while watching either one. Janell just patted her on the leg and said, "it's normal."

Jessie cries in life, I cry in movies...t.v. shows...commercials...emails...stories...books. It takes a lot for me to cry in life. Jessie is stone cold when it comes to sappy emotional stories. But then there are those rare times when I just can't stop the tears. Yesterday my best friend had the joy of confronting me. I'm not the easiest person to confront. As we learned earlier, I like to be right and I like to never do anything wrong...or anything that would merrit a confrontation. It's not that I'm unteachable, I just don't like disappointing anyone. And to me confrontation = disappointment. That's basically what she had to confront me about: I'm unconfrontable! She said it in a very gentle and loving way. And when people are gentle and loving towards me, I cry, and then I can't talk. I mean I can talk, but it takes about a minute per word. I think I was just emotionally drained too...ready to cry. You know what I'm saying? No? Girl talk. The great thing is that once I cry, I'm good to go. I'm ready to face the world again and I feel 100% better. I'm such a girl. Sometimes I cry just for the sake of needing a good cry. You know what helps? A good song....or maybe watching Little Women.


Kellsey said...

Another good cry movie: Joy Luck Club. I can't watch it without a complete breakdown.

Hand me the tissues!

The Mitchells said...

If it makes you feel any better, I was sitting at Becky's crying at Grey's as well...and she laughed at me.

Anonymous said...

Tru dat, Kellsey. Other good cries: ER (especially Mark Green's dad dying), My Life (Katy, remember we had to send you to your room and then yelled, "we can still hear you crying!"), and then who can forget when you cried so hard in Sixth Sense that you scared Patrick. He leaned over and whispered, "she's kinda freakin me out." Oh Buns! I love those good cry days! Rosemary's daughter, baby!! Keep up those good cries and keep sharing all the stuff you're learning - because I love learning with you!