Friday, April 21, 2006

Rejection Hurts

Jessie and I were heading out to see Thank You for Smoking (still have a celebrity crush on Aaron Eckhardt, as I've had for years, even though I'm not supposed to have those anymore) last night. Fabulous movie but that's another story. And we run into our downstairs neighbor, Robert. Robert is great. He's a cute man who moved up here from New Orleans with is wife after Hurricane Katrina. His wife is often back in New Orleans working and therefore he gets bored. So we ask how he's doing as we're walking out the front door and he says, "I'm soooooooooo bored!" Well I never like seeing anyone in any pain so I ask if he would like to join Jessie and I in our movie adventure. He responds, "Can I take a rain check?" Ouch, that hurts. I was rejected by someone who was "Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bored." Am I THAT bad? Even boredom sounds more fun than hanging out with the likes of me? Maybe next time I'll bribe him with homemade cookies. Well, Jessie's homemade cookies because I only bake so often.


Anonymous said...

i knew you'd go see that movie for Aaron. you don't fool me: once a celebrity crush-a-holic, always a celebrity crush-a-holic.

stop hitting on married men!

Anonymous said...

what's so wrong about hitting on married men, or women for that matter? katy, honestly, i admire your desparation!