Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Remember this little video I posted to YouTube a year and a half ago? Well now it's become a national McDonald's commercial. Congratulations to Fernando and Thomas!

You can see Fernando's interview with Fox News' Neil Cavuto here. Scroll half way down the page. I don't know how long it will be up so enjoy it while you can.


Anonymous said...

Hi Katy,

You don't know me, but I took over Erin's position at Cadbury before she left to be a mommy. I still have her old computer and your blog is listed on her favorites. I check it out quite frequently and love to read it!!!! When I get bored I will even go back and read your archives. So, through this I have heard that Erin is pregnant again, congrats to her!!! I bet she is an awesome mom, and it sounds like you have a really blessed and wonderful family. I hope you don't think this is weird, I just wanted you to know that your blog is read and that I totally love it!!!!

Valor Rodriguez

Katy said...

Thank you so much for telling me! I love hearing from people I don't know (at least when it's nice!). Erin is indeed a wonderful mother and she's excited for #2! I'm secretly hoping it's a girl so I can dress her in really cute clothes. Shallow, but true :-)

I miss the days of IM'ing with my sister when we both were at work. We were so young back then :-)

Thanks for reading!

saradgoldberg said...

That is so cool! They should totally give you a cut of the money ;-)

Katy said...

It was all them. I just figured out how to put it online before they did :-)