Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What's Your Color?

So weird how you take a 45 question personality test and it basically hit the nail on the head. My Color Code is White.

Congratulations. You are WHITE.

WHITES are motivated by PEACE. They seek independence and require kindness. They resist confrontation at all costs. To them, feeling good is more important than being good. They are typically quiet by nature, process things very deeply and objectively with great clarity. Of all the colors, WHITES are the best listeners. They respect people who are direct but recoil from perceived hostility or verbal battle.

WHITES need their "alone time" and refuse to be controlled by others. WHITES want to do things their own way and in their own time. They ask little of others and resent others demanding much of them. WHITES are much stronger than people think, but are not often seen for their strength because they don't easily reveal their feelings. WHITES are even-tempered, diplomatic, and the voice of reason; but can also be indecisive, unexpressive, and silently stubborn. When others interact with you, as a WHITE you respond to them best if they are kind, accepting and supporting of your individuality, and if they look for non-verbal clues to understand your feelings.

Understand that no two WHITES are exactly alike. Although you share the same core motivation as many others, your personality is still unique to you alone.

You can take your own here.


Jess Lindsay said...

Whooooo.... that is so you, katy! And you look good in white, so its totally you! I am a blue. I am motivated by initmacy ;) but I am "the most controlling personality", say it ain't so!! yikes!!!

Lindsay said...

Hahahaha. "You are white" That's hilarious.

Katy said...

I know. Doesn't that sound so weird? But I do have a nice tan going right now. At least it didn't say, "you are pastey white." I suppose that's what it would have said during the winter months. That plus "and carrying a little winter weight."

Anonymous said...

I'm also white...but sure had trouble answering the questions. What was I like as a child? That was sooooo long ago.
I'm going to see if I can get your dad to take this. It'd make for interesting conversation!

Anonymous said...

I took the test and I am a Blue. but mom and I both agreed that I am more like a "light Blue" ( a mix of white and blue).
Those questions were tough!

Anonymous said...

Erin, I'm a blue too! However, I think it nailed me. Unfortunately, I am pretty controlling. Which is why both my mother and my best friend are whites. I can THINK I'm controlling our relationships only because they'll never confront me. :)

I think white is soooo kates, Carol, and Momma Kay. Obviously I loves me my white girls.

Heidi said...

I am also a blue, just fyi. Yay blue! I think I must be subtly controlling because I also avoid conflict like crazy.